Don't go (Analogical)

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Logan's P.O.V

This is my last day in town and I  haven't told Virgil yet. Today we're meeting up at our favorite diner. I have to tell him.

I take a seat at our booth  and wait for Virgil. I start to think about how I'll tell him and how he'll take it. We've been best friends ever since first grade.

It usually would be easy for me to tell Virgil anything. I've never had a problem with telling him something but this will be a challenge.

Virgil tapped on the table. "Hello? Earth to Logan." He says. "Oh! Sorry, Virgil. Seems I have been too wrapped in thought to notice your entrance." I say avoiding eye contact with Virgil.

"I'm offended." Virgil giggles. It was hard to not look at his beautiful distracting features but I couldn't face him for some reason. Looking at him now would make me feel guilty. Guilty that I didn't tell him that I was gonna leave him alone in this dull town.

"Logan? What's wrong? Are you sick?" He ask and I can hear the concern in his voice. "No, no. I'm fine." I reply. But the second part was a lie. I was not fine. I was the exact opposite of fine. "Well, that's good because I actually had a question I've been meaning to ask you for a long time." He says a little nervously. I hesitantly look up at him. "By all means, ask it." I say trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Well," Virgil starts and he tucks some hair behind his ear nervously with a small chuckle. "I was wondering if we go out. Like romantically. I-I really like you Logan and I wanna be y-your boyfriend. But if you don't want that i-it's fine I really don't-" "Virgil," I cut him off. He gulps and locks eyes with me. "As much as I would love to be your boyfriend I can't. I'm-" I sigh. "I'm leaving tomorrow."

Virgil goes pale and tears build up in the corner of his eyes. "What?" He asks his voice shaky. I instantly regret everything. "I'm going to a college that is in Pennsylvania so I can't stay here. I'm taking the train out of here tomorrow." I explain sadly. Tears stream down his face. He looked so broken ad drained it really broke my heart to see him like this. "Virgil-" "I gotta go." he says and makes his way out of the diner.

"Virgil wait!" I call and follow after him. He picks up pace but I catch up to him easily. I grab his arm. He turns around sharply. I grab his waist and smash my lips against his. His eyes slip shut and he kisses back with passion. After a minute we pull apart.

"Will I ever see you again?" He asks tears still slipping down his face. I frown t that and wipe his tears. "I can't give you an exact answer to that question. But I can tell you that I will never forget you or ever stop loving you." I reply. Virgil flashes me a broken smile. "I love you too." He whispered to me. He turned and started walking away.

I sigh and walk home getting a good nights sleep for the next day.

Virgil's P.O.V

Of course I'm upset but Logan's leaving this morning and I've gotta support him. I get dressed and sprint towards the train station. The doors on the train are just opening . I look around and see Logan boarding the train.

I run towards him and hug him from behind. "Good luck." I say and he chuckles softly. I kiss him softly yet passionately on the lips one last time. "I'm gonna miss you." Logan smiled. "I'm gonna miss you too." I say softly trying to keep a bright smile to show my support.

He hops on the train and the doors close. I start running with it to tell him a few things before he leaves.

"STAY SAFE! I LOVE YOU!!" I yell after him and receive a faint, "I love you too!" In response. 

I slowly start running and come to a stop. The train slowly fades out of sight. My smile turns into a frown. I may never see him again. I already miss him. How will I go on? That may sound a bit dramatic but it's how I feel. I sigh and walk home.

~Four years later~

I throw on a black short skirt, purple shirt, and a black sweater.

I walk to the train station like I've been doing everyday since he left hoping he'd come back. Deceit sits next to me. "Huh I'd thought you'd give up hope by now." He said. "He's coming back I mumbled. "That's what you said yesterday and the week before that and the month before that and the year before that." Deceit said with an eye roll. "Shut up! You don't know him like I do!" I yell and punch Deceit on the shoulder.

"Do you even know him though? It's been four years. People change and so did Logan. He's probably got new friends and forgotten all about you. Who knows he's probably even straight now." Deceit laughed. I sigh in defeat. "Falsehood." I hear a voice from behind me say. "I'm as straight as the rainbow." I turn around and see Logan standing over me.

"LOGAN!" I exclaim and hug him tightly almost making both of us fall over. I start crying tears of happiness and hug him tightly. He hugged me back. "I missed you so much over these years. I thought you forgot about me." Logan chuckled slightly. "I could never. I've come here everyday waiting for you to come back." I reply and he smiles.

"Well I got you something in case you were still here." Logan said and got down on one knee. He pulled out a small black box. I gasped and cupped my hands over my mouth.

3rd P.O.V

"Virgil Anx Sanders, will you marry me?" He asks and looks into Virgil's glossy brown eyes. "Yes!" Virgil exclaimed.

Logan started crying to. He picked up Virgil and help him tightly.

The next few years were great with the wedding, them buying a house together, and just being happy all together.

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