Chapter 2

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Overwhelmed, Frustrated and Anger!

Its funny today I was asked by a person if ‘X’ was them. Why would someone ask that? I mean unless they know the shoe fits right. Or unless this book is even true that is.

X has been a pain the back side lately; she has been trying to get to me. Back off lady I don’t need your help in my life. Not now, not ever.

I try to smile again and again but it’s hard to hide your ‘fake’ affections for someone. I don’t understand why it’s happening to me. That’s when I can be quiet smart; see I don’t fully trust ANYONE really. I have to know the person first; I can’t let everyone and anyone to my secrets or into me. I can’t do that. I can’t trust anyone anymore I can just write and write and write. And know very well that I HATE X!!!!!

I wish people can help, X thinks she can. pfft she wishes I let her in.

Other than X I am fine with my life. NOT!!


So what do you guys think of my second entry it may be short but I kinda went blank and stuff so yeah. I was contemplating whether I should make dialogues in this book. Should I or should I just leave my thoughts write themselves down?

Tell me what you think in the comments. Please vote and follow

XoXo Khadija 

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