Chapter 10

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A question I have always asked myself is who do I trust?

I mean it might seem like a simple answer,but it really isnt -unfortunately. Sometimes I wish that X can actually understand me,but yet again she is the cause of ALL or at least most of my problems.

So why do I bother being with her u may ask,because I thought she actually needed me in her life. That I was the person that she asks advice from, but I was obviously proven wrong. She trusts the outsiders, people that dont even get her stupid inside jokes. But I do and I dont get treated like those outsiders. I get treated like just a 'friend', just another person.

Why CANT i be trusted? Is it because I am too immature? Is it because I HATE talking about depressing stuff? What ever it is I dont care anymore!

She burns the insides of me when I see her talking to those outsiders. I hate it!!! I dont get it, you call me your friend yet I 'apparently' dont have ANY sort of right to ask you about anything really. X I dont get you and unfortunately I dont think I ever will. You are the person that made me only trust ONE person in the whole world. ONE AND ONLY ONE PERSON I TRUST. Dont you think that that is just mean?!

And once again I hate X!!!!

Hey there everybody!!
I think this entry made me quiet emotional because I believe that I am not the only poor person going through this. And I am definately not the only person to have an X in their lives.
Tell me what u guys think.
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XoXo Khadija

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