Chapter 9

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Some signs of a bad person are if they begin to change the innocent. And that is exactly what X has done,she has changed an innocent peraon into pretty much a devil. That poor girl was so innocent,then X turned everything upside down and the girl began to take her side all the time. Thats how my group was formed,my 'BFF's' were just teasers and discougoraging i hated them. I still do,I mean nobody is allowes to change who you are as a person. It should be made illegal.

I hate X for creating a monster out of me. I am hurt in many ways that people think they know about but they dont,trust me.

I try so hard to not let people see i am weak but its hard. It really is.

Thanks to X i have no choice but to cry all night.

I was never this kind of person.What happened to me?!

Hey guys hope u guys enjoyed this. I think in this chapter I started to realise that X ISNT one person. She is actually alot of people rolled into one.WOW discovery alert and for those people who think X is one person she isnt. Sorry to break it to you.
XoXo Khadija

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