Chapter 11

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X is always leaving me out whether its in class, in our break whenever she genrally just leaves me out which is sad.

But I think I have become quiet a resilient person that her actions dont affect me that much. You see before I would cry and question X's actions but now I have seriously had enough of her and her ridiculous behaviour( I sound like a teacher). I have come to the conclusion that X is not only a horrible person but she has actually shaped me into the person I am today -unfortunately. Without her i would still socialise, I would do everything that a normal teenager would do. But no I have to live with the most irritating person on the planet. But you see I have grown fond of my new self. In the sense that I dont mind sitting alone anymore, I dont mind being lied to, I dont mind being the third wheel anymore.

I personally think that being the third wheel is the WORST thing ever because not any do you think that people are talking about you, but they are also lowering you. The third wheel always becomes the follower,the oppressed,the depressed and the empty.

But nobody around them seems to take notice.

THIRD WHEEL- generally when there is a group of 3 and one person is being left or being regected yet that person is too scared to leave that group.

Hope you liked this entry tell me what u think in the comments!!
XoXo Khadija

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