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Come one and come all! Welcome to the Golden Community's Golden Editor's Center!

In here you can ask for an edit request from anyone of our esteemed editors at the same time you can also apply to be an editor. The editors can benefit depending on the payment they ask and of course the clients benefit the most since they will know what to work on in their book. What's unique in our edits? For most part it will be easier for the editors while clients still have the same results.

Want to know what I mean? You'll have to continue reading.

This is your department head Gavri! If you have any questions or complaints do pm me in my main account Gavri_Writes if you want me to respond right away since I might not be logged in on this account all the time.

Well, no more dily-dally let's get inside and let's get started! 😊😊

Brought to you by: TheGoldenCommunity

Golden Editor's CenterWhere stories live. Discover now