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Hello again and welcome to the information portion of the book. This is basically details and information on how this book will run.

Format and General Instructions
First of, I want an organized book with an organized profile of the reviewers. In a few chapters from now you will have a list of editors currently available, their profile, focus, and everything you need to know.

Each editor has their own page where you can apply via form on that same page.

Depending on the editor whether they prefer inline comment or the client to send them a document copy of the story, the clients are requested to cooperate. Communication is key. So to both client and editor, please communicate for a smoother run.

Well, here are the rules everyone must follow so we are happy and organized in here:

📍 Please be nice to one another. Rude behavior will be dealt with accordingly

📍 Report any rude behavior

📍 Cooperate with your editor and do what they ask you to. They normally know what they're doing.

📍 If encountering any issues editors to clients can't solve, pm me and address me not the admins. It's my job as department head.

📍 Add this book to your public reading list for promotional purposes. Please.

📍 Gives us a shout out!

📍 Tag 5 users who will be interested in here

Here is the orientation section for clients and rules every client must follow to ensure acceptance of form:

📍 Follow this account for updates and announcements

📍 Do the payment your respective editor ask you to and tag your editor to notify them

📍 Be patient. Edits are meticulous and hard to do. Please don't pester your editors just two days after you requested.

📍 The password in the form is any word that ends with the letter t. Do not copy the word the previous applicant submitted.

📍 You are not allowed to request for two or more editors at the same time. This is to avoid complicated issues. To be safe, you are allowed to request again if you wish after the previous editor is done.

📍 If you want to move editors due to inactivity of current editor, you have to notify the editor you asked first by stating in the form. "CHANGING EDITOR. CANCELLING REQUEST."

📍 You are allowed to ask for edits in this community up to 7 TIMES Maximum as long as the editor you requested is open. But by the third time you request, you will follow all of the editors in the community as well as my account Gavri_Writes

(Vote on this chapter as password to notify me if you've read everything)

Hello my lovely editors. I'm so happy you decided to come and join this community. First, let me orient you what an editor is and what you will do if you apply.

Job Description
A book editor is someone who will check on the book of other writers and edit their technical mistakes. Different from a reviewer, editors focus on the technicalities of the story and not on the story itself.

Editors should focus on the following:
did the book violate any basic grammar rules? Are the tenses consistent? Is there subject-verb agreement?

did the author use the correct punctuation in the right time? Are there over usage and misuse of any punctuation?

are there any misspells? If so, indicate them.

did the author utilize the active and passive as much as they could?

are writing techniques like foreshadowing, flashback, flashforwards, and others used properly or weakly?

did the author string those words right that they seem irresistible? Or was it a fragment and confusing?

As an editor, stated above are the only focus you should do when editing. You don't necessarily have to pick all. You can pick which among them you can do and state it in the form if you're interested in applying.

Well, that's basically for the orientation part. Sorry about that. Time for the rules!

📍 Follow this account

📍 Follow my main account Gavri_Writes the reason? Because I am currently managing 3 accounts at once and it might hard to switch constantly. I might post announcements there.

📍 Manage your own page. Accept and deny requests as necessary

📍 Update me of your status whether you are available or on hiatus. Those on hiatus will be given a month. If you won't return we'll be replacing you with a new editor.

📍 Depending on preferences, you can directly send the edited work to your client

📍 The password is any five to seven-letter word that has the letter A in it. It doesn't have to be at the beginning as long as the word has an A.

📍 When having issues, contact me right away

📍 If you changed your username, inform us.

📍 Mode of communication for this department is messenger. You should have a messenger account or you're willing to make one. It's for easier dissemination of information. 😊😊

Well, that's just about it! For any questions, post it here! Time for the forms!

Golden Editor's CenterWhere stories live. Discover now