Zim x deaf reader

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My feet splashing in a few puddles as my feet hammered the ground. My mom got up late, and forgot to wake me up for school. I could see the skool in the distance, as I got closer I could see students sitting on the stairs for school to start. Breathing a sigh of relief.

I made it to the skool glaring up at the sign even I knew how to spell school and I'm deaf. Looking over and I was met with Dib waving me over, approaching him, he started signing away how great his favorite tv show was. Ever sense I met him he's learned sign language and was such a quick learner. Me and him have grown close to each other, we have been having we both have been looking for a way to help me hear. Dib stoped signing and and looked at the school, I took that as a hint and realized the bell went off, class was about to start.

I was sitting in my desk dozing off, the school didn't offer a translator so Dib would help me after school get caught up. Even though he told me all the teacher talks about is how our planet is doomed. I was soon knocked out of my thoughts by the ground shifting around me, looking over I saw the student next to me being sent down to the underground classroom. Shuddering, as I saw the desk descend. I looked up to the front of the class and saw the new kid, he had green skin, no ears, and no nose. I raised an eyebrow, he made some kind of speech, but I got bored and dozed off again.  After 10 minutes of dozing off I looked over to my right. The new kid was looking at the teacher and twirling the fingers. I looked back at Dib and saw he was standing on his desk and pointing in my direction, I soon realized he was pointing at the new kid.

Dib must have seen my confusion written on my face, he quickly began signing what he said. 'Zim, the new kid is an alien?' I cocked an eyebrow at Dib and looked at 'Zim' shifting my eyes back and forth from Dib and Zim. I quickly signed that we'll talk after class. He nodded his head and sat back down.  I quickly faced the front of the classroom but my I side glanced at Zim and saw he was staring at me. I shook it off and waited for the end of class.

I was waiting next to my locker for Dib to show up, Dib was now 2 minutes late. I tapped my foot with inpatients. I finally saw Dib running towards me. His face wore a worried expression. I tilted my head in question. He quickly signed to me about the new kid, Zim that he was definitely an alien. I laughed at him and shook my head, sighing "well he does look like an alien but, but you can't jump to conclusions."

After 'talking' with Dib we started our way towards his house so we could do the little homework we got. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Zim following us. I stoped in my tracks and Dib stoped at looked at what I was looking at. Dib stepped in front of me, he seemed to be yelling at Zim about something. I tried to read his lips but he was talking so fast, but Zim didn't give the time of day and kept staring at me. I was getting uncomfortable, taping Dibs shoulder, I signed to him "we should just leave and forget the drama."

Zim saw my hand gestures and started to freak out and point at me like I'm crazy. I cocked my eye brow at him and looked at Dib for some transition. Dib told me Zim was screaming that I'm using my hands to curse him. I tilted my head down  laughing I looked up at Zim staring at me with wide eyes. I just laughed and signed to Dib for us to go. He agreed and we both walked to his house leaving Zim standing there.

(Zims POV)
My head was swarming with thoughts and ideas on what the two humans where doing with their hands they seemed to be communicating to each other with a secret code. I must find out what they are planning. Dib seems to alert but the other human seems vulnerable. I'll get them while they're sleeping and I can find out their secrets.

Waving at Dib for helping me with homework. I fast walked home and walked through the door, walking into the kitchen I looked around for my mom, I looked at the fridge and saw a note on there.
(Y/N), was called into work I'm not sure if I'll be here to wake you up for school, if not I'll just call you in sick and you can stay home!
Love you, mom.

Sighing I got my phone and texted Dib telling I probably won't be at school, and get the homework assignments.

After all my nightly duties I headed to bed, for awhile I just sat on my bed looking out the window. After 5 minutes I saw a shooting stare, closing my eyes and I made a wish in my head 'I wish I could hear' laying back into my bed and I drifted off to sleep.

I saw awaken by water being splashed in my face I gasp and sprung awake from my bed. But I soon relieved I was on a purple couch. Panicked I looked around and took in my surroundings. A strange home, I got up and looked around I walked into so many different rooms, soon walking into one with a little dog. It was running around in circles around someone I looked closer and realized it saw Zim. I gasped and Zim spun around and looked at me. I saw this mouth moving, tilting my head in confusion, I singed simple words so maybe he would understand me. But no success. He seemed to be yelling, I looked around for a pen or pencil and something to write one. My eyes eventually found a pen and a notebook. I walked over and snatch both and started writing. Zim was watching my ever move. I soon showed him the paper, he read it carefully and look at me with soft eyes. He grabbed my hand, my face was covered with a light blush. He lead me to the trash that was in the corner, I was so confused and tried to pull away but Zim kept his grip he opened the lid and stepped inside he brought me to his side his arm slithered around my waist. My face felt on fire and I felt so uncomfortable. The ground below my feet started to descend down and soon we arrived at a lab. There was a lot of technology I have never seen of. As I looked around Zim was off searching through boxes. As I looked around I saw the little green dog again. I bent down and reached my hand out to pet it. My hand met the head and it felt like fabric. The creature just sat there enjoying the petting. I took my hand away and walked away. Soon the little green dog was in front of me again. I tried to walk away again but not kept following me. Soon it latched it's self to my leg. I just kept walking around examining everything. After getting bored I walked over to Zim. He was still throwing thins around.

He kept throwing things eventually he seemed to find what he was looking for. He turned around to find (Y/N) siting on the floor playing with Gir. He caught their attention and waved them over. He quickly put something in their ear and switched them on.

The devices in my ears clicked on, every nose came at me at once. Each noise attacking me, it was so loud I feel to the ground clutching my ears. Zim panicked and lowered the hearing. I caught my breath and soon looked around. I snapped my fingered in front of me and I flinched as the sound was emitted. "Wow" I said to myself. "Is that what my voice sounds like!?" I looked around found Zim staring at me. I had the biggest smile on my face ever.

The very smile made Zims heart melt. He had to keep his mind on the prize and find out what secrets they held but they where no use if they Couldn't hear a thing. He finally spoke up but was interrupted by (Y/N) crashing into him and giving him a bone crushing hug. Crying with their head in his chest. Her tears made his skin burn and sizzle. (Y/N) pulled away when Zim started screaming. Wide eyes they stared at Zim with fear in their eyes. I soon approached Zim "a-are you ok Zim?" He seemed to calm down and looked at me, he spoke softly "your face was leaking and it burned me." 'Crying, or maybe he means water.' I looked at him and walked towards him. Sitting down across from him I engulfed him with a warm hug. He soon found himself hugging you back. Zim tried to pull away from the hug but you wouldn't budge (Y/N) whispered In his ear "thank you so much Zim you helped me hear, you granted my wish." After speaking the words turned into mumbles and soon snores. They fell asleep in Zims chest. He sighed, he never got his questions answered, he lifted (Y/N) and took them upstairs. He sat down with them in his chest and fell asleep with them.

(Aww such a cute ending I also try using they and them for the pronouns. I want all readers to be welcomed!! Also I'm working other requests but you can request more!)

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