Chapter 4

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Jungkook's POV

I walk around the place and I see many kids there just staring at me. I know I'm ugly but not that ugly. (Sorry Jungkook)
I just want to go home. I miss my "family" and I miss the yelling from my parents. I just want to go home.

Then this kid walks up to me and starts to stare at me kinda weirdly. "Excuse me?" I say nicely. But he just keeps staring at me. Then out of no where a group of kids surround me and start to beat me up. I didn't know what to do but just cry. My "dad" was watching the whole thing and didn't even care. But why would he care. He just walked away not even saying anything. I feel like all those years I was living in that house, everyone's love for me just vanished because no one stopped him from taking me to this hell hole. Jesus, what have I got my self into?

Mr. Jeons POV

When I see that kid walk up to Jungkook I can tell he was going to do something bad to him. "Excuse me?" Jungkook said. Then a group of kids surround him and start to beat him up. I felt a pang of guilt hit me hard in the heart. But I just watched and then I had a enough of it and walked out of the place. For good.

Jungkook's POV

When they finally stopped I was left with many bruises and cuts, and blood everywhere, no one did nothing. But then the nice ladies helped me to clean up. It hurt like hell though. But then night time hit and I started to look for a bed. But none of them were open. Then I saw one that was open. It was next to a girl. She looked nice. Or so I thought.

Jungkook: "Is this bed taken?"

Girl: " Yes it is, so move it fatty!"

She pushed me to the hard ground and I got up and everyone was laughing at me. Then I just started look for another bed. Then, I found one right by the corner and no one was by it. Great. Yay? I dropped my stuff down and I got ready for bed. I cry myself to sleep that night.

Mrs. Jeons POV

When my husband got home I slapped him in the face so hard he fell down.

Mr. Jeon: What the hell was that for?

Mrs. Jeon: That was for sending our son to that horrid place!

Mr. Jeon: Why do you care? You didn't stop me did you?!?!

Mrs. Jeon: Yeah I know that part! But he is our son and you were so bad to him? What did he ever do to you?!?!

Mr. Jeon: He was the last one born.

Mrs. Jeon: But that doesn't mean you have to love him any less!! I said crying. My husband looked at me. He started walking towards me and said " All I do for this family is keep us alive. I feed the-

I cut him off.

Mrs. Jeon: Really! You feed everyone in this house! Bullshit! When Jungkook was in this house you didn't even feed him. Who fed him when you were at work? Huh? Oh me! You didn't even want to touch our son. Love him, hug him, or even get him a Christmas present or a birthday present! All he wanted to get from you is your love! But he didn't get that from you. And I feel like the bad person not standing up for him! Now he's gone and I can't do anything about it because of you!

I just walked away from him.

Jays POV

We all heard what happened. Jungkooks gone. For real he's gone. I still have everything he gave me. When I look back at the photos in my room all I can do is cry. And cry. And cry some more.

Jisoos POV

I can hear Jay crying in his room. I still have everything Jungkook gave me. I'm wearing on of the necklaces he got me last Christmas. I start looking at everything he got me. Then I start to walk to his old room. I walk to his old bed and I sit on it and I start to cry and cry and cry. I miss my brother.

Junghyuns POV

I hear Jisoo and Jay cry and then I look in the past.

~ Flashback ~

"junghyun look at me I'm swimming!" Jungkook said.

"That's great kookie!" I said happily.

Come in the pool Junghyun! It is super warm in here and it is super cold out there! Please hyungie?

Yes I'll come in the pool kookie!

~ End of flashback ~

I still remember that day. I wish every day was like that. I just miss him so much I just want to hug him and say I love him. But now I can't and I take all back what I said to him in the past. All I want is to have him back and call him my brother again. I cry myself to sleep that night. 

Mr. Jeon POV

After my wife said all those things to me about Jungkook I break down crying right in the middle of the living room. I miss Jungkook and I want to hug him and say I'm sorry and call him my son. And buy him everything he wants. And I'll give him anything he wants. I just want him here with us. Our family isn't complete with out him. Then my wife comes in and asks

Mrs. Jeon: "You okay sweetheart?"

Mr. Jeon: "No, I'm not. You were right. You were always right all this time. I miss him and I have no other way to bring him back. I just want to hold him close to me and I want to say sorry for everything I've done to him and buy him everything he wants, our family is not complete without him. I just want to calm him my son again. Uggh, I've made the biggest mistake any father could make. I'm so sorry honey."

Mrs. Jeon: "Don't say sorry to me. Say sorry to our son. And I'm sorry for yelling at you. It was not good for me to release all my anger on you."

Mr.Jeon: "No, don't say sorry. I deserved it. Believe me. I just want him back."

Mrs.Jeon: "I know. But we'll get him back. Don't worry okay?"

Mr. Jeon: "Okay."

They hug it out and they don't break the hug anytime soon. Then there 3 other children come in.

All 3 of them: "Are you guys okay?"

Mr. Jeon: " Don't worry kids, we are getting Jungkook back. Get in the car NOW!!"

They all get in the car and start driving to the place.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. And I'm sorry that it took this long for a chapter. I wasn't feeling well and then I had snow storm and my power went out and my phone was dead and I had no other way to update. So think of this as my sorry gift. I also want to give a thanks to Hyria_Cookie because she is awesome. Thank you again!


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