Shinku Kishi Gremory Oc Info For HighSchool DXD X The Fate Series Story.

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Basic Info

Hero's Name: What is your hero's name? The Crimson Knight Of Fire, The Knight Of Fire Or The Crimson Queen.

Hero's Nickname: Does he/she have a nickname? The The  Strawberry Queen.

Hero's Title/Alias: Does your hero have a specific title?  Hell's Crimson Servant.

Hero's Class: Which of the seven classes does your hero belong to?  The Saber And Archer Class.

Hero's Age: What is your hero's supposed age?  60 Years Old But Looks about 16.

Hero's Era: What era of time is your hero from? EX: Renaissance, Middle Ages, etc. None.

Hero's Gender: Is your hero male or female? Female.

Hero's Sexual Preference: What is their sexual orientation? EX: Heterosexual, homosexual, pansexual. Bisexual.

Hero's DOB: What day was your hero born? You may have to do some research if your hero is based off an actual legend. Unknown.

Hero's Zodiac: What is your hero's zodiac sign? Taurus.

Physical Characteristics & Outfits

Appearance: What is your hero's facial and body features? How much do they weigh and how tall are they? Pale or black? Long hair or short hair? Be descriptive!

Other Special Features: Does your hero have any tattoos? Are their pupils slitted? Do they have any battle scars or a missing eye?

Fight Outfit: This is the outfit your hero wears when going into battle. For example, Artoria wears her armor when she's fighting. What does your hero wear?

Casual Outfit: What does your hero wear when he/she is not fighting?

Special Occasion Outfit: Do they have a formal outfit? For example, Nero wears a special dress for formal activity. Well, for anything she wants really. Also, you never know when your servant will need to dress up fancy for the sake of infiltration.

School Uniform: Does your hero enroll in school to keep his/her master safe? What does it look like? Keep in mind what traditional uniforms in Japan or any other country looks like.


Status: Are they alive or dead? How long are they alive?

Cause of Death: Does your hero eventually die? How did they die?

Defensive/Offensive Type: Is your hero the type who attacks or the type that defends?

Weapon(s): What is your hero's main weapon. EX: Gilgamesh may have been Archer class, but he uses all sorts of weapons. Make sure to keep it as close to the servant class as possible.


-Strengths: What abilities make them strong? EX: Artoria was blessed by the Lady of the Lake so she could walk on water.

-Weaknesses: What abilities makes your hero weak? You must include at least two things here or else your hero may end up OP. Is there a place in their armor that's easily penetrable? Is there a spell or potion that makes them weak? Is there a place their Noble Phantasm comes from that if damaged could severely hinder them? EX: Artoria's Noble Phantasm comes from her left wrist.

Fighting Style: Does your hero prefer to fight from a distance or close combat? Does he/she even like to fight at all? If so, how do they prefer to take down their opponents? Poison? Sabotage? Alliance?


Noble Phantasm: What is the name of your hero's Noble Phantasm? What type of Noble Phantasm is it? You can find the dirrerent type here ->

Basic Techniques: What were your her's basic techniques? EX: Artoria's Invisible Air




Personal Traits

Personality: Describe their personality.

Good Traits: What traits about them are good? EX: Strong-willed, never gives up, etc

Bad Traits: What traits about them are bad? EX: Arrogant, selfish, etc

Favorite: Of these, what are their favorites?

-Foods and Drinks:



Least Favorite: Of these, what are their least favorites?

-Foods and Drinks:



Fears: What do they fear?

Holy Grail Wish: What wish do they want the Holy Grail to grant? Do they even have one?


Master: What is the name of your hero's master?

Allies: Who are your hero's allies?

Friends: Does your hero have any friends?

Foes: Who are your hero's enemies?

Crush: This is optional, but does your hero have a crush on anyone? Their master, another master, another servant?

Rival(s): Who are your hero's rivals or rival?

Background & History

Legend Based On: What legend is your hero based on?

History of Hero: What is their legend? Summarize it, or if they're a made up hero, what happened to them during their life?


What are some extra tid-bits about your hero? Are they left-handed or right-handed? Do they have any allergies? Who do you imagine voice acting them? Is there a song that could be your hero's theme song?  

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