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- where's mashiho?

- seriously, junkyu? you just got there and the first thing you ask is where is mashiho? - yedam glared at his friend.

- yupp. - junkyu just smiled at him.

- well, he's not here - said hyunsuk, smirking a bit.

- no shit, sherlock.

hyunsuk was going to say something about how junkyu shouldn't disrespect older people when a deep voice interrupted them:

- hey guys!

- byounggon hyung! hi! - a large smile found its place on suk's face and yedam shook his head, mumbling 'he's whipped' quietly.

- where were you for the past few days? - asked junkyu when his hyung sat next to them.

- uh.. i was sick. yeah, sick. - gon smiled a little, hoping no one noticed his small lie.

- i'm glad you're okay, hyung! - hyunsuk smiled.

- hey kyu, look who's coming - said yedam, smirking at his tall friend, who was busy stealing some of hyunsuk's food.

junkyu raised his head and smiled immediately as he saw the three japanese boys - haruto, keita and mashiho, coming to their table.

- gonie hyung, can you move next to hyunsuk hyung so mashi can sit next to me? please, please, please!

- m-mashi? - stuttered byounggon and looked at where junkyu's eyes were, nearly choking on his sandwitch. - yeah, sure.

he moved next to his small friend just when the three other boys reached the table.

- mashi! come sit here - exclaimed junkyu, patting the empty seat next to him.

- uh.. s-sure hyung - the japanese boy smiled lightly, sitting next to the older boy.

he called me hyung, junkyu thought, a large smile appearing on his face.

the two other boys sat down as well and everyone started chatting with each other. byonggon was anxiously staring at junkyu and mashiho while the two boys were laughing at a joke the older one said.

the japanese boy still hasn't noticed him and gon was afraid if what will happen when that moment came.

- oh, mashi, you probably don't know him, that's byounggonie hyung! - said junkyu, happily introducing his hyung.

mashiho's eyes widened as he slowly raised his head, looking at where byounggon was sitting.

everyone at the table became silent, anxiously watching the two boys, exept junkyu, who cluelessly looked at every single one of his friends.

- i-i need to go - the small japanese boy quickly took his bag and rushed out of the

a second later haruto and keita also got up, running after him. byounggon was just looking at the doors with sad expresion on his face.

- uh... can someone explain me what just happened?


this is so boring lmao sorry i suck lol

aNyWAyS i pRoMiSe i'Ll tRY tO uPdAtE more often oof sksjs


just imagine the amount of quality content we will get from asahi omg

just imagine the amount of quality content we will get from asahi omg

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woozils • 2019

fun;; mashikyuWhere stories live. Discover now