It's was afternoon. Khanna House was fully decorated why not.its name ceremony of their granddaughter. Everyone was excited but Neil was most excited Person. Neela and swetha was busy making foods while Bebe and praksha was looking over the decoration. Avneil were in Their room getting ready. Avni was making her little cutie ready while Neil was taking on phone. Few minutes later Neil finished call and came back to room to see his both jaans being fully ready. Neil walked to them.he stood beside Avni and kissed her his princess forehead and took her from avni and placed in cradle. After putting her in cradle he turned to Avni.
Avni knew what he is up too. Sudden pull made Avni gasp. Neil pulled her close and put his one finger on her lips and looks at them. Soon he moved his finger and placed his lips on her and kissed with all the love. He poured all love which he waited since few months for this moment. He always craved for her but her health and baby was more important than his carving. Avni was no less she responding the kiss with all passionate. She also poured all the love and kissed him. Even she caved him. She wanted him more than Neil.
Having good time of kissing each other finally broke the kiss and looked at each other. Neil hugged Avni very tightly. Avni also snugged to his arms and kept her head more to his chest. Both stayed in hug for few minutes. While being hug Neil spoke.
Neil : I missed this so much. Finally I got you back.
Avni : I missed you too! I love you Neil!
Neil smiled hearing this. He loves when she confess her love to him.
Neil : I love you too! Neil pulled out of hug and looks at eyes then kissed her forehand then both cheeks. He then eyed her lips. He brought his lips close to her, it's was only inch from meeting but there romance was Disturb by their princess crying. Avni pushed Neil bit and moved to pick princess up. Neil made groaned face and sad.
Neil : she is my princess but also disturbance in my romance.
Avni looks at him.
Avni : Neil she crying but you care about your romance. Grow up.
Neil : I am already grow up and I father now!
Neil grinned himself while Avni again glared and sat down and starts opening her blouse to feed baby.
Avni : Neil you are going down!
Neil : we will go together with our princess.
Avni nods. Neil set his hair while.
After Feeding Avni fixed her clothes Also herself.
Neil : shall we go!
Avni : wait !
Avni went and brought something!
Neil : what you got?
Avni : I will show you along with others.
Neil nods. Both moves out the room. Baby was Avni arms while Neil was making baby smile by making cute faces or what not.
Neil kurta
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