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Definitely don't think I was done with the last chapter when I uploaded it. But oh well. Thanks for commenting. But also, you get to see a new side of person. Not sure how I feel, but I low-key kinda love it. 

"Don't thank me, just don't fuck up again." I pulled away from the hug and wiped away the final straggling tears from his face. "Also, if for some reason you ever see Lacy again. Do not even acknowledge her." He quickly nodded as he kissed me. It was like the first kiss we ever had, in my bed after the lunch with Merlyn. He actually cared about the kiss, this time I knew he wasn't faking it. 

"I love you, Cleo."

"I love you too." I quickly let go of him and went over to the box and grabbed the bracelet. I quickly snapped his name back on my wrist. "I think it's fitting to put this back on now, don't you?" He nodded again, it seemed like that was the only thing he could do. 

"Cleo I don't deserve you." His voice was weak and scratchy. "I know you said that I do, but you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I fucked up and you are giving me another chance." I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers.

"C'mon, I think you have a concert to get ready for." I dragged him out of the green room and back to where the others were gathered. Everyone's eyes were on us as I dragged him behind me. I saw Tavia giving approval as some others, Merlyn, looked upset with my decisions. As we now had everyone's attention, I made the announcement. 

"Please stop bullying my boyfriend, it hurts me to see him depressed." I was tugging on his hand like a five year old. Matt quickly spoke up laughing.

"You know I was only doing it for you Cleo." I stuck my tongue out at him and made a nagging noise. He did the same thing laughing. Everyone was happy, except one. Merlyn. He just starred at me in disbelief. 

"You can do so much better Cleo." He said before getting up and walking away. I felt Ciarán pulling me into him, I partially think it was so he didn't have to see my face. As my back pressed up against him he wrapped his arms around me. I reached up and grabbed his forearm. 

"Don't worry about him." Matt said from across the room. I gave a half smile as I leaned my head against Ciarán's arm. I debated on how I can go about finding Merlyn, and apologizing? No, I wouldn't be apologizing for my relationship, that's just idiotic. I suddenly felt my shirt, it was wet and freezing from Ciarán and the A/C of the venue. I looked up to the person who was holding me. 

"I'm going to go change, my shirt is wet and the A/C is freezing it." I spoke quietly, as to not embarrass him. He quickly nodded as he released me. "I spilled water on my shirt when I was talking with him, I'm going to change." I said announcing my departure. I quickly walked back to the green room, now that I said I was going to change I had to. I quietly opened the door and snuck in. 

"Go away Cleo." I was met by Merlyn's voice. I wanted to cry as he called me my real name, he never calls me my real name. He must truly be mad at me. I saw Merlyn lying down on the couch, face down. I walked to the box and ripped it open. I put on one of Ciarán's sweatshirt. "OH MY GOD, LEAVE CLEO." I rolled my eyes as I faced him, I came in here to check on him but now I'm just angry with him.

"What is your damn problem with my relationship? Cause I really wanna know." He flipped over and sat up. He just gave me a look of disgust before groaning.

"You can't be fucking serious?" He stood up and started walking towards me. "In high school do you know how fucking pathetic I felt that night, Matt saved you when it should've been me. No, scratch that if I wasn't a stupid drunk it would have never happened. I loved you in high school and it broke my fucking heart you couldn't trust me, or even be near me. When you left it was easy to get over you. Then you decided to come and visit Matt, and all those dumb feeling came back. But you didn't chose me, despite me being there for you. You chose some stupid guy named Bearface." He was inches from me now and I felt like he was closing in on me, while speaking poison. 

"I'm sorry," I practically screamed offense at him. "I'm in love with him. I can't control that." He was so close now I could feel his breath on my face.

"But you can control who you fuck. Do you know how happy I was when you two broke up? I finally had a chance. Just to see you on instagram acting like an E-Thot. Trust me I know you can't control who you love. I'm in love with you, but sorry." I was confused why he was apologizing, but I quickly understood. He smashed his lips against mine and everything happened so quickly I couldn't register what was happening. The second I did though I pushed him off. 

"IF YOU LOVE ME WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I screamed at him as I felt the tears brimming up. I quickly wiped my mouth as I rushed out of the room, to my disapproval I heard footsteps following. My eyes were quickly becoming blurry as I felt tears starting to fall. I was running the hallways and there wasn't really anywhere else to go besides back out to the arena where everyone was. I quickly ran into the arena, where as you suspect I caught the attention of people. 

Ciarán quickly turned around as I ran into him, I started crying into him as he wrapped his arms around me. The footsteps stopped, and I felt everyone starring at me. "Cleo, what happened?" He said while rubbing my back. I felt like I had cheated on him and we hadn't even been together for an hour. 

"Merlyn." I sniffled out and no one could understand me since it was so muffled. 

"Baby, please speak up." Ciarán said as he smoothed down the hair on my head. I quickly repeated what I said, but I turned my head out so what I said was audible. 

"Eo..." Merlyn dragged out trying to get me to stop. 

"That's not my name. My name is Cleo, only family calls me that." I felt the mood in the room change at that statement. Everyone knew I was mad. Not just mad, furious and frustrated. "He kissed me! I pushed him off, though." I heaved in a big amount of air and I felt the water start to put out of my eyes. "I'm so sorry Ciarán. I promise I didn't kiss back. I love you. Please don't be mad. He called me a thot and then kissed me, baby I did nothing please don't be mad." I heard him shushing me as he did what I did for him only an hour earlier. His hands were calloused, but they felt good on my face.

"I'm not mad at you Cleo." He said reassuring me as he continually smoothed the hair on my head. "Why would you call Cleo a thot? What's wrong with you?" Ciarán said as he kissed my head. Merlyn struggled for an answer as he just stood there. I broke free from Ciarán's grasp and ran to the exit. I pushed through the exit and I made a run for it to my car. Quickly realizing I left my keys in the venue, I set on foot to the nearest liquor store. 

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