Captured - Chapter One

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A/N Just a head's up, the storyline will be way off The Originals.

I just hope you like the plot, there's a familiar feel just a little more involvement of the reader and the Mikaelson's aren't the most powerful beings in this ;)

The fourth century.

Third Person POV,

Y/n, her name had begun to move around, creating worry in many villages. An abomination as many people would think, however, sooner or later they would find their head on a stick. It was as if this creature would lurk in the mind of the troubled or evil. Of course, she didn't, she wasn't understood, always listened to the fear in people's voices as they would speak of her, not knowing she was right in front of them. That's how monstrous they pictured the small girl.

She had already roamed the earth for forty years, having her curse age her so slowly. She was to stop ageing at the age of twenty. She was said to be the most powerful creature to exist, a Wiccan that had discovered a new spell to create an 'angel' but that's what the witch had told her, instead she indeed made a monster...

Twenty-first century. 

Y/n POV,

I walked down the steps of the rather large building, appearing to be a simple woman with a blazer and 'work attire'. I didn't work there, in fact, I had a job at a small cafe instead, I hadn't been to New Orleans since Mikael had paid his visit. I knew that someone in the Mikaelson's family had tried to search for me, but who would know who to look for if they didn't even know what I had looked like? That wasn't the case though, because he had seen me and knew instantly it was me, so I ran for around fifty years as that was my result in everything. Running. How pathetic, right? The most powerful creature, and still hadn't even shown my true power to anyone, just seemed like a simple human.

I didn't really know the man who had known me, I assumed he had passed by not hearing of him in so long. It was pretty intense, and amusing. I wasn't one for gossip and due to my lack of friends, I knew nothing of the Mikaelson's just their father, having come face to face with the demon.

I stepped into my vehicle, hearing the engine roar lightly as it came to life, I drove to the nearest place to park so I could get into the French Quarter. I felt my feet collide with the floor as I stepped into the colourful street, feeling the warmth of the sun hit my face, silently thanking my creator for a split second that I could walk peacefully among these people.

See, I was technically the original-original, the first-ever 'beast' to be created, but I wasn't a vampire, no. However, I know that those are very common these days. But instead, I am more of a witch, werewolf/shapeshifter but I sense to have a gene that no one knows of, I'm immortal, invincible, my creator's blood that runs through my veins makes me more powerful as a witch, I can control my werewolf traits and I have some aspects of a vampire such as speed and compulsion. The only thing I never could figure was what exactly am I? No one ever had taken their time to stop and think of who or what I am, it's almost inevitable.

I think the only reason I'm not as feared as the Mikaelson's is that I'm seen more as a myth rather than living, breathing proof as I've never come up front to the world other than the one man. But, the Mikaelson's were open with the world and almost every supernatural being would have heard of them and fear them, most are anyway.

I turned a corner in the street and found myself being dragged into an alleyway. A young woman with bright blonde hair stood before me, I felt my breath stop slightly, worrying she had known my identity. Rebekah Mikaelson I believe.

"Are you serious? Marcel would have you killed if he knew you were practising witchcraft in the French Quarter." She whispered, looking around as if someone were to watch us. I  had taken a deep, much needed breathe of relief.

"I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the new rules..." I say, hesitantly hoping she would believe my lie.

"The rules have been the same for a long time, hun. So you're either really old which I highly doubt or you're purposely lying to me. And trust me, I don't like liars" She said to me as she squinted her deep blue eyes into my e/c ones.

"I don't mean any harm, I swear. I was sent here by one of my visions, I believe someone is in high danger here. I intend to help them, but I need to find him first." I say frantically, my facade working, clearly but I'm not lying about my vision. "Well do you have a name? I assure you, I am a great help socially" She smirks, however, it's a friendly smirk.

"I... believe his name is Niklaus Mikaelson," I said reluctantly, his sister is standing before me. Her eyes widened staring at me warily.

"Follow me."

-Time Skip-

I followed the icy blonde into what seemed like an aged mansion that came very familiar to me, I ignored that feeling and carried on walking. There, on the balcony stood a man in a black suit, he wore his attire casually and had a finesse sense of charisma. I could see the warm smile on his face as he sped down to us, holding out his hand after welcoming his sister.

"Elijah pleasured to be acquainted by..."

"Y/n... Y/n Beckett" I said, I couldn't have them know who I was. His smile grew as he placed his lips against my hand, I nodded curtly to be polite. Feeling a sense of warmth in the area, I had a vision.

I was stood in the middle of the room as the man who had chased me for fifty years charged after me, seeking my reason to be there and he "threatened" my existence, my immortal existence.

The second my vision ended, I saw him. He was actually here, I knew this was to come but I had to stay calm knowing the chances he would recognise me were zero to hundred but I had taken that risk and stared him in the eye but as I saw he came down but I grabbed his wrist in time before it made contact with my neck.

"I knew it was you." He said as he saw my reflexes, Rebekah stared at me as she believed earlier I was a witch, she came marching forward. "What the hell are you?!" She asked, knowing it was impossible that I was a tribrid.

"I could ask myself the same thing," I replied, Centuries on this earth and I was still clueless as to why I was even here.

Klaus had removed his wrist from my grasp and requested me to speak with him privately with the objections of Rebekah and Elijah, I followed Klaus, aware that they would hear the conversation if I didn't block them out.

"Don't worry, they cannot hear us," I said, quietly.

He sat down, looking at me with so much curiosity, frustration and pride. Lifting up the bottle of what I assumed to be alcohol from the table, he filled two glasses.

Offering me the glass, I politely accepted it. Sipping slightly, tasting the vervain and mixture of wolf's bane. I smiled gently, not affected by either of the two. He nodded his head and signalled me to sit across from him as we sat in silence for a while I then decided to speak.

"So, what I would like to know is was it you who chased me? For those fifty years?" I asked, grinning in triumph as he never actually did catch me.

"Yes, I did. For fifty-two years, four months and nine days."

Captured - Klaus Mikaelson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now