Captured - Chapter Four

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Walking alongside Klaus on the French Quarter, I decided to shift into a normal 'pedestrian' to cease suspicion. I don't know why but Klaus can only seem to see my true form which could come in handy sometimes. 'My' hair reached my knees and I had big doe green and my e/c was always still there and couldn't exactly change.

"Why sir, have thou not learnt that I cannot be caught" I laughed as I said it in an over-exaggerated British accent, I was joking around with Klaus poking my head around expensive statues in the museum we were currently inside.

[A/N I'm actually from Britain and not everyone sounds like they are constantly having a tea party haha, in fact, mine is completely opposite (I'm from South Yorkshire) Our accent is really weird tbh but mine isn't as thick as some others. Okay back to the important stuff]

"Well Miss L/n, how can I be taught when we haven't even experienced a demonstration" He whispered the last part as he turned up behind me and picked me up and walked out of the room with statues and instead into a room full of portrait paintings.

As he placed me on the floor I looked at the paintings with much intensity and admiration. I walked past one which I recognised to be one of my old friends, I say friends and we were much more like family. She taught me how to embrace my werewolf gene, she only knew of my werewolf side though I couldn't risk her knowing I was that.

I hadn't noticed Klaus watching me in curiosity, or that he would pay for every painting I lingered on for more than a second.

I then reached the painting I wouldn't have expected to see ever again, it was my painting, a painting of my mother. I had painted it only four hundred years ago as I can remember her every feature as if she was stuck inside my head. The painting made her look rich, her beauty possessed every person to walk by.

"Oh wow, she looks like you," Klaus spoke next to me.

I rotated my head to face him smiling softly, "that, Niklaus. That would be my mother." I turned my head to look back at her, I felt tears prick my eyes but blinked them away immediately and laughed it off trying to forget that one memory.

As I walked away Klaus was speaking to the clerk and requested the painting from the wall, after the clerk tried to refuse Klaus compelled the man to frame it immediately. He ordered for it to be delivered at the Mikaelson mansion immediately.

I was still oblivious to Klaus's mysterious behaviour, nothing could be predicted and I would walk in front looking at herbs, greeting witches with a smile and offered some young children money to go and get treats. Until I saw a group of rebellious outsider supernaturals beating a homeless man, my blood began to boil and seethe.

I started to walk over to them and one looked over laughing at my small frame bearing their teeth in my direction, looking confused when I wasn't phased. One came up to me meaning to grab my throat but I used my speed to dodge him as my eyes began to glow similar to Klaus's with the whites of my eyes going black but the ring of my iris's was aqua blue. This seemed to scare the outsiders but I was not done with them.

I grabbed two of them, ripping their hearts out and Klaus found me and bit the last one and swinging his fist at the other's head causing it to rip off. I then grabbed the ring leader tearing him in half but boiling his blood, melting his skin. I collapse to the floor in a heap and my eyes go back to normal, the veins under my eyes faltering and hesitating to go away though.

Looking around I saw the blood I caused and Klaus compelling the homeless man, longer than needed to forget what happened.

Tears fell from my eyes slightly until I wiped them away, whispering to myself to reassure myself. "It's fine, they were bad, they were evil, they don't have families, I didn't mean to do this."

Klaus secured his arms around me, comforting me.

Until I slipped into darkness.

Klaus's POV

I saw Y/n seething as she walked over to the group pestering an old man, I didn't recognise them to be any of Marcel's weak recruits. I didn't expect her to do what she did but all I saw was a valuable warrior, her eyes became... I wouldn't know how to explain them but they were a sight, they were amazing.

Her hands flew into two of the men's chest, she didn't even have to look at her aim it was as if she naturally knew on instinct which had me smirking. I stalked over there biting into one of the weakling's neck as he screamed, keeping my hand around his arm I ripped it off in one swift motion and swung my fist at another tearing his head from his body I stared at the one now missing his arm and saw him as he trembled in fear watching his friends dying or already dead, on the floor.

Looking over my shoulder, my eyes widened as I saw Y/n literally melting the leader of the group. Not wanting to explain to the one in front of me what happened I collided my foot with his head, feeling the skull break and the sound of the crunch mixing with the squish of his brain.

"You will forget what you have just witnessed, you will find yourself a really stable job and get back onto both of your feet. Do you have children?" I asked the man while compelling him. "Yes, twins - both girls, I have three grandchildren. We haven't spoken in many years" The man replied.

"I want you to reconnect with them and make sure they have a good memory of you, you will continue your life happily and think of the bright side in everything." I finished compelling the man, wishing him well as I walked over to Y/n.

Seeing her tremble, I had a sharp feeling in my chest as I quickly ran over more and went to the floor where she was mumbling and crying. Wrapping my arms quickly around her, trying my best to comfort her, her crying soon died down as she drifted into a night of sleep. I picked her up bridal style and carried her the whole way to my home and placed her into my bed.

I tried to ignore what I had witnessed just yesterday, the locket, my young self with a young Y/n, I wasn't too sure if she knew that I had seen what she saw but ai wanted answers, if that vision is true it clearly means someone has suppressed my memories, I knew there was a familiarity with her but I didn't think much of it in the beginning but now? Now I'm more curious than ever.

Why am I doing this? Why am I so bothered about this beauty? Why do I care? Caring is for the weak and makes people more vulnerable. The only outcome of this will be my enemies finding my soft spot to torture both of us, increasing the risk of possibly exposing her to the world...


Captured - Klaus Mikaelson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now