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Luke and I sit in the car with Green Day's Say Goodbye humming quietly around us. My knee that his hand isn't rested on bounces nervously.

"It's uh... that one." I mumble, and he nods and pulls into the parking lot, turning off the car.

We get out and he grabs my hand and leads me in, the same guy working the front desk as the first time I came. He glances up at us and smirks. "How can I help the lovely couple?"

"Darion, I need you to go pickup-" the Scarlett haired girl walks around the corner looking at her phone, cutting her sentence short when she looks up a sees us.

"Well hello there, Scarlett Rose. This must be the opposed boyfriend?" She smirks as I glance nervously at Luke and he glares at me.

"Mhm. Luke." He introduces himself shortly.

"I'm Kay. What's the problem?" She asks, leaning against the counter next to darion.

"They still hurt pretty bad... I thought it was fine but uh- luke said they shouldn't so..." I answer nervously. I know she told me if they hurt to call, but I really didn't want to be flirted with, and I was hoping everything was fine.

"Ok. Let's go check them out. Your boyfriend wanna wait out here?" She raises an eyebrow, and Luke glares and shakes his head.

"No." Kay looks to me and I shrug, so she leads us back to one of the rooms.

"Let's see." She smiles and I awkwardly take my shirt and bra off under lukes glare and kays stare.

She shamelessly grabs one of my tits and I wince, glancing at Luke who raises an eyebrow. She looks closely at the red and inflamed nipple, then at the other.

"Ok so they definitely shouldn't be this irritated still." She sighs, and I nod, as does Luke. "Have you been cleaning them everyday?"

"Yes." I answer with flushed cheeks.

"Do you have any allergies that you know of?"

"No..." I mutter, and Luke sighs.

"She has sensitive ears. She can only wear really expensive earring like gold and shit or she complains about them hurting." He answers, and Kay nods.

"Then your tits are probably sensitive too. You didn't tell me that. Well have to take these ones out, I can grab you some that are white gold or something?" She offers, and I look to Luke. He subtly shrugs so I nod.

"Yeah, lets do that."

"Alright, I think we have a pair similar to yours in white gold?"

"Perfect." I smile, and she smiles and leaves the room.

"I can keep them?" Luke sighs and bites his lip, making a displeased face at me.

"Yeah, I guess. They are pretty hot, but you're grounded." My eyes widen.

"Grounded?! You can't ground me!"

"If I can spank your ass then why can't i ground you?" He reasons but really it's a threat. I huff and pout but shut my mouth as she comes back in and quickly and painfully replaces the piercings as I cringe. Luke sighs and pets my hair, letting me squeeze his hand.

Kay seems displeased at our relationship but doesn't comment.

When she's all done she sends us home, not before giving us a bill this time, though.

The car rides quiet and when we get home luke immediately takes me upstairs and to his room.

"Go get me your hairbrush." My eyes widen and tears instantly fill them.

"No! Daddy, no! Please, no! I'm sorry, I won't do anything like that ever again please don't use a brush!" I cry, crawling into his lap and curling up against him, whining and crying like a baby. Luke sighs and sets his hands on my hips. I've got my legs wrapped around his hips and my arms around his neck, head buried in his shoulder.

"Scarlett rose." He scolds. "Damn right you'll never do anything like that again, I'll make sure of it, now go get me your brush before I have to do it myself." But I can tell he's wavering by his voice so I put it on a little more.

"Daddy please, I don't want it!" I sob. "Ple-please don't! I'm-I'm so-sor- I'm so sorry!" I beg. "I'll do anything, I'll take them out, I'll be grounded, please daddy!"

Luke sighs. "You really don't want the brush, babe?"

I sniffle and sob. "Yes daddy, please dont!"

"Alright, Love, fine, but I'm still gonna spank you, and you're grounded until I say so and I don't want a complaint the whole time, got it?"

"B-but daddy, how long is until you say?"

"Until you're a good girl."

"I am a good girl." I pout.



"You won't complain?"

"No daddy."

"Alright, over my lap."

Of course I lied when I said I wouldn't complain. It's been two weeks and I will die if I don't get my phone and laptop back right now, I'm sure of it.

"Scarlett rose if you don't quit this instant I will take a brush to your ass." Luke warns calmly as he sits at his desk doing some kind of work.

"I need it luke! I-"

"Excuse me?"

"Daddy! Please, it's been long enough, I've learned my lesson, I've not complained-"

"You're a fucking liar." He laughs lightheartedly, but my eyes still fill with tears.

He looks over to me at my silence and sighs. "Come here, doll." He sighs.

I huff and ignore him, turning around and stomping out of the room to my own, slamming the door closed.

"Scarlett come here right now!" I lock my door and ignore him again, flopping onto my bed.

"Scarlett rose!" I hear him coming and jump up to lock the door from his room  to mine as well. He juggles the handle and then goes to the other to jiggle it as well before sighing.

"Open the door this instant little girl."

Do I? Of course not, because im a fucking idiot and forgot he had a key.

No, i ignored him and waited until he marched away and came back and suddenly the door was unlocked and he was pulling me up and sitting down and dragging me over his lap.

"Fucking brat." He growls. "Tell me why you're being punished."

Did I give up and decide to finally behave myself? Of course I did I do value life after all.

"Because I complained about being grounded and I didn't obey daddy more than once and I locked and slammed doors. I'm sorry daddy."

"ZYou're not sorry, princess, you just don't wanna be punished." Luke chuckles and I whine.

"No daddy, I'm sorry." I pout. "I deserve to be punished. It's okay." I mutter pitifully.

"I'm not falling for it princess." Luke chuckles as he smacks my ass and I whine. "You're getting too good at manipulating daddy, aren't you?"

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