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Hello again and welcome to the orientation portion of the book. This is basically details and information on how this book will run.

First of, I want an organized book with an organized profile of the reviewers. In a few chapters from now you will have a list of reviewers currently available, their profile, focus, and everything you need to know. But as someone looking for reviews before, I want quality reviews but I don't know how each reviewer will do the review. So, I check examples. Often times, they're cluttered.

So, what were doing here is, the chapter titles are the reviewer's names and reviews made by the same reviewer will be grouped together. Naturally, reviewers who first applied will have their reviews posted on the first few chapters and so on.

Well, here are the rules everyone must follow so we are happy and organized in here:

✨ Please be nice to one another. Rude behavior will be dealt with accordingly

✨ Report any rude behavior

✨ If encountering any issues reviewers to clients can't solve, pm me and address me not the admins. It's my job as department head.

✨ Add this book to your public reading list for promotional purposes. Please.

✨ Gives us a shout out!

✨ Tag 5 users who will be interested in here

Here is the orientation section for clients and rules every client must follow to ensure acceptance of form:

✨ Follow this account for updates and announcements

✨ Do the payment your respective reviewer ask you to and tag your reviewer to notify them

✨ Be patient. Reviews can take a lot of time. In the profile of reviewers, there's a detail there on the time period you are allowed to ask the reviewer about the progress. Of course, it's my duty as head to make sure the reviewers deliver.

✨ The password in the form is any word that has a letter M in it. Excluding words that start with M. As long as the word has an m but not at the start then, it's legible.

✨ You are not allowed to ask for multiple reviewers at the same time. Unless, you are rejected for personal reasons.

✨ If you want to move reviewers due to inactivity of current reviewer, you have to notify the reviewer you asked first by stating in the form. "CHANGING REVIEWER. CANCELLING REQUEST."

✨ You are allowed to ask for reviews in this community up to 7 TIMES Maximum as long as the reviewer you requested is open. But by the third time you request, you will follow all of the reviewers in the community as well as my account Gavri_Writes

(Vote on this chapter as password to notify me if you've read everything)

Well then! Hello my lovely reviewers. I'm so happy you decided to come and join this community. First, let me orient you what a reviewer is and what you will do if you apply.

Job Description
A book reviewer is someone who will check on the book of other writers and tell them what they can improve on. Reviewer focus on the story itself and not on the technicalities of the book like grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Reviewers should focus on the following:
was the cover attractive? Does the blurb lure readers in?

How did the plot progress throughout the book? Was the conflict revealed properly? Did the characters realistically solved the conflict?

how did the characters grow throughout the book? Was there growth at all? Were they real and relatable?

Did the events unfold too quickly or too slowly? Was it rushed?

How did the author establish her/his world? Were you able to quickly grasp new concept? Or were you lost?

did the dialogue between characters seemed natural or too scripted?

Were you able to easily picture out scene after scene in the book? Or was it all mushy and vague?

how did you feel while reading the book? Did you related to the characters? Did the starting chapters hook you to continue reading?

As a reviewer, stated above are the only focus you should do when reviewing. You don't necessarily have to pick all. You can pick which among them you can do and state it in the form if you're interested in applying.

Now that we're clear with your job description, it's time for the format.

☀ In the first paragraph, put a little intro about the book you just read. Who are the characters, what is the conflict, how was it solved, etc.

☀ After that, proceed with the next paragraphs based on the focus you have chosen. Remember to label each section of your review. Eg. Plot development, characters, etc.

☀ Remember that you don't just spot the weak points of the book, you need to provide suggestions too.

☀ End the review with a conclusion and overall assessment. Also state whether or not you would recommend the book to anyone and who would you recommend it to.

Well, that's basically for the orientation part. Sorry about that. Time for the rules!

✨ Follow this account

✨ Follow my main account Gavri_Writes the reason? Because I am currently managing 3 accounts at once and it might hard to switch constantly. I might post announcements there.

✨ Manage your own. Accept and deny requests as necessary

✨ Update me of your status whether you are available or on hiatus. Those on hiatus will be given a month. If you won't return we'll be replacing you with a new reviewer.

✨ Email me your reviews at quentin.chartier17@gmail.com

✨ State the title and author of the book you reviewed

✨ The password is any word that has a letter G in it. It doesn't have to be at the beginning as long as the word has a g.

✨ When writing the review, ratings are not necessary (3/5 etc.) but if it makes you comfortable, go ahead.

✨ When having issues, contact me right away

✨ If you changed your username, inform us.

✨ Mode of communication for this department is messenger. You should have a messenger account or you're willing to make one. It's for easier dissemination of information. 😊😊

Well, that's just about it! For any questions, post it here! Time for the forms!

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