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Gretchen wakes me up before sunrise to get ready for my first day at Harry's. She constantly reminds me that Harry is very lenient but things must be done either way. I take in her words as she brushes my hair, treating me just like she did when she was my maid. She almost cut my hair before she remembered who I was trying to be. I decided to wear the dress he bought me yesterday to show my appreciation for his kindness. 

We finally made it to Harry's after a long morning of getting me ready. The sun was up now and I got to watch the sunrise which was beautiful. I usually wasn't up this early when I was a daughter of a noble and I was stuck in the kitchen for most of the morning at Lord Barrington's. 

Gretchen opened the door to my old house and I breathed in the scent that stayed since I last lived here. It was crisp and fresh. When I was inspecting the work of my servants, I always smelled the room before looking. If it smelled fresh, I knew it was clean. 

I looked around at everything, seeing how many changes were already done to the house. Everything left from my father was gone and paintings hung on walls where paintings of our family use to be. I would love to have one of those paintings for my own but they're probably burned now. 

"Harry won't be up for another hour if you want to look around," Gretchen winked at me, knowing I wanted to look around my house. "Don't go into your parents' chambers. That's Harry's room." Of course he is in the one room that I wanted to go in the most. It was the biggest room though so it makes sense as to why he took it. 

I walked around the different family rooms and to the room where we had our parties. It was cleared out and being repainted. I thought Harry was building a new house. Why does he keep changing things here? It makes no sense since this house will be for the servants. 

I followed the path to my father's office and opened the door to find it full of Harry's things. The only thing left from my father was the big wooden desk in the center of the room. Everything else was black and red around the office. It had an evil sense to it. I don't understand why Harry would choose these dark colors when I knew he was a very happy person. I would think he picked a more normal color for the office.

I close the door to his office and made my way down the hallway to my room. I opened the door to find everything still in place. All of my things were still in the room and my bed made. It was very weird. He was so obsessed with me to the point that he kept my things in my house after he bought it. You would think he made this a guest bedroom and took away all the violet and gold decorations and furniture. 

I walked around the room, figuring out that it has been cleaned and reorganized. My personal items were gone along with my wardrobe. It was, however, replaced with new dresses that were cheap and plain. There must be a servant living in my room. 

"You like the room?" A voice startled me and I jumped, looking over my shoulder to find Harry leaning against the door frame. 

"I'm sorry for being up here. Gretchen said I could have a look around since you were still asleep."

"You're getting to know the place so it's okay by me. This is also your room so you came to the right place." My room? He knew it was my room and now he's letting me live in it. Either he knows who I am or he is making me into the girl he met a year ago. The second reason just creeped me out. 

"I don't need all this space in this room. It would make a lovely guest bedroom though." 

"I already have three of those. I want you to have this one if you are willing to live in the house with me." He raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Of course! Thank you so much for everything!" 

He nodded at me. "I'll let you get settled in and then I'll have Gretchen show you the ropes around here. I'm pretty easy on my servants. Just make sure I have my morning coffee." He winked at me and turned away. Then he quickly turned back around. "In a few weeks, I'm planning to promote you to head maid if things go well." 

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