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I backed away from the window and felt a heavy weight in my chest. My home was taken and I could no longer visit the happiest place that had been apart of my life. I wonder if Harry knew that this was my parents house. No one would buy the house until now. Why did he do this? Whether or not his intentions were smart, I was still angry at him for taking away my home. Even though he might not have known.

I started towards the door but paused before knocking on the door. How do I explain myself for going to the house and knowing he would be there? He didn't tell me where the house was that he bought. If he did know this use to be my house, it was a dead giveaway. However, I didn't know if Barrington was going to go looking for me. I knew he wanted me to keep hush about the events that happened tonight. I didn't know how evil he was though.

Before I could turn away and regret coming here, the door swung open and I came face to face with Gretchen. Her eyes were wide then she smiled, closing the door and pulling me into a hug. She recognized me in seconds. I hugged her back and started to cry, realizing how good it felt to be in the arms of someone who raised me.

"My darling," she took my face into her hands. "I have missed you."

"I've missed you too." I continued to cry as she wiped my tears.

"You look so different! What're you doing here?" She let go of me.

"I like to come here sometimes but now I've just learned that this is no longer my home." I looked at the door.

"Lord Harry has purchased the home and the land. He also owns more land across the village. He thought it would be best if he lived on his land." She started to walk away from the house and I was hesitant but I followed anyway.

"In an old house though? Surely, he would want something more extravagant."

"He's actually building a house further onto his land but that's still under construction so he lives here for now. He's going to give his servants this house as well as move some of them into his new home. He just hired me on a few days ago."

"Where have you been staying?"

"I've been living in the village, working under different Lords until Harry found me a few days ago while he was walking in the village and offered me a job." We walked in silence for awhile. I was taking in her presence and how good it felt to be with the only person that understood me.

"Does Harry know that that is our house?" I finally decided to ask, the question hanging on the tip of my tongue.

"He didn't know until I informed him when he took me to the house." So now he knows and if I just show up to that house to ask for a job, he will know who I am. Unless he already knew and that was his intention all along to get me. I never once saw him at any of Lord Barrington's balls and when I saw him at that party, he wasn't talking to any other servings to get them to work for him. Only me. He had to of known who I am. I knew I had to convince him otherwise.

"He offered me a job and I think I might take it."

"Things with your old Lord not go so well?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"He tried to have his way with me," I mumbled.

She stopped and took my hands into hers. "I'm sorry things turned out this way for you. You don't deserve it. I promise to help you with whatever you need. Just like I have done in the past." She gave me a warm smile. Tears pricked my eyes and I quickly engulfed her in a hug. "Things will get better. I promise." She let go of me and we continued our journey to her small cottage which was still a few kilometers away. I couldn't help but feel like crying though. I held it together after my parents died but since seeing Gretchen, it was like seeing a piece of my family again. 

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