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I rubbed my eyes that were filled with exhaustion. I didn't sleep at all last night due to the events that occured. I felt disgusted and used. I was angry at myself, Harry, and Lord Henry. I didn't know who to blame for making me feel like this. I could only think of myself who opened my legs for Harry and let my father pick who I should marry. I'm starting to think that if Lord Henry finished the job, I would be in a better place, not running away from my problems. 

"Partied too hard last night?" I lifted my head to find James sitting at the table across from me. 

"You can say that," I mumbled. 

"I heard the boss is not in the best mood today." He picked up a piece of bread and took a big bite out of it. 

"He's not my problem today." I got up to grab a cup of water and went back to the table to sit down. "Is this house still not done?" 

"Actually, it is. Lord Harry hired us on as his stable workers. I get to deal with animals all day." 

"I'm sure that is a joy." I sipped my water. 

"Better than working with people. I just get to smell like shit all day." 

"I can already smell you." I smirked at him and he gave me a dead stare then smiled at me, shaking his head. 

"Ella, can I get your assistance?" I turned to find Gretchen standing in the doorway. 

"Of course." I got up and went over to her to see what she needed. She had a worried look on her face the entire time. "What is it?" 

"Lord Henry came by my house last night." 

My eyes went wide. "What did he do?" 

"He threatened to kill my husband if I didn't help him try to get you to leave with him but I told him that it wasn't you. However, he did not listen to me." 

I put my head in my hand. "He knows." 

"He what?" 

I looked at her. "He knows about me." 

"How?" She looked stunned. 

"He forced me into Harry's room last night to talk and his bloody words got to me. I spilled the truth." 

It wasn't until after I said that when she glanced at my neck, noticing the bruising. "What did he do to you?" 

"Just grabbed my neck. I gave him more bruises than he gave me." I put my hair over my shoulder to try to cover the bruising. "He said he paid my parents to talk and they did." 

"Do you think that's the truth?"

I looked at her. "Yes." 

"I'm sorry your family is doing this to you." She put her hand on my arm.

"They aren't my family anymore. I have you and that's the only family I need." She pulled me in for a hug and I heard her sniffle. 

"You have always been a daughter to me." 

I pulled away from her. "I know." I glanced over at the clock and remembered it was time to give Harry his coffee. "Can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?" 

"Can you give Harry his coffee today?" 

She gave me a concerned look. "I can but I want to know why you aren't doing it." 

I thought for a moment. Should I tell her what happened between Harry and I last night? She is bound to know the truth anyway. "Something happened between us last night and I don't want to see him." 

Life After Heaven (Harry Styles au)Where stories live. Discover now