
I cut up vegetables and threw them in the boiling water, trying to distract myself from the work I had to do soon. I was a servant to a Lord that only owned little land but he was one of the most popular men in the village. He was throwing his own ball tonight at his estate which was quite large for a man with little land. I volunteered as one of the servers but quickly regretted it as I realized that people would be seeing my face after an entire year of my disappearance. I was hoping none of my father friends were here. 

"Ella, you need to go get ready to serve. Your costume is on your bed." I set down my knife and nodded to the head servant as I walked to my room that was right by the kitchen. I quickly got ready, seeing as I only had a few minutes until I had to be in the ball room. I threw on my dress and tied my long hair back, slipping on the shoes that my Lord got me just for this evening. He was very particular about his parties and everyone looking like a unit. 

I went to the bathroom that all of us servants had to share and splashed water on my face. The bathroom wasn't that nice but it worked for peasants since I was now one of those. 

After my parents died, I lived in a youth hostel until I finally found a Lord that would hire me. I decided a name change would be suffice since I didn't look like myself. For someone who was a peasants, I gained weight from lack of caring and activity in my time at the youth hostel. I grew out my hair that now cascaded down my back. I didn't look completely different but it was hard for people to notice me at a glance. 

I left my room and back into the kitchen to grab a tray of food that needed to be put on the table for the nobles to grab if there were no servers around. I walked down the long hallway into two big French doors. I immediately saw the room packed and had to squeeze through people to get to the table. I set the stuff down and arranged it in a orderly manner. I picked up my tray and headed back into the kitchen to grab things to serve around to people. While walking back, I was groped and grabbed by men who were already drunk before the ball even began. I grabbed tiny plates with the finger sandwiches on them and made my way back out to the ballroom. The music started to play and I walked around to people, offering them food which they gladly took. 

I continued to walk around until I saw a very familiar man standing in the corner, talking to a few Lords while they all sipped on their wine glasses. I couldn't put his name to his face but I remember meeting him. I just didn't know where. 

"Gentlemen," I bowed to them. "Would you like some sandwiches?" They all grabbed a plate from me which left me without anything so I had to go back to the kitchen to get more. As I was turning away to head back to the kitchen, I saw the man eye me with suspicion. He must think I look familiar too. 

I started my short walk back to the kitchen but I felt a hand grab me right when I walked out of the doorway, making me gasp and almost drop my tray. I turned around and saw that man. 

"Sorry to bother you but you look awfully familiar. May I get your name?"

"My name is Ella. What is yours?"

"I'm Lord Harry. I own land south of the village." That's where my father's land was. I also remember his name. He was the one I danced with during the family day in town square before I learned of my parents passing. 

"That's lovely." I nodded my head, about to excuse myself before he realizes who I really am. It is an embarrassment when people find out you went from a noble to a peasant. "Well I really must be going."

"Well I only stopped you to see who you are because you look exactly alike this woman I use to fancy. She had a face I could never forget. Such beautiful features." He stared off in space as I felt my face heat up and had to calm myself down. "Of course, she was a noble so it is most likely not you but I was just curious. I heard of a rumor that her parents had passed." He looked back at me. 

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