In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle

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"Daddyyyyy. I'm booored!" Liam whined, squeezing his curly head into Louis' thigh. Louis asked him to play, while he was writing a chapter of his novel. He stopped writing for a month, paying all his attention to Liam and not leaving his side even for a brief second. But, he wanted to be his son's idol. And how can he do that, if he doesn't stay loyal to his own dreams? So, he promised himself to write a chapter each day. But Liam didn't seem to like that idea. He hated staying alone and always needed his daddy to be with him. 

     Louis almost spilled his coffee, the miracle that keeps writers alive, instinctively covering his son's head with his hand not to burn him with the hot beverage. Louis has this incredible parental instinct. He sees the danger coming before the danger is even close to existing. This, of course, was the reason for Harry's jealousy, who wished to have the same natural sixth sense too.

"Li, I still have half of the chapter to write. Please, play with your toys, watch a cartoon or something. You can come to my room, but you should stay quiet there."

"No, daddyyy. Wan' to play with you." Liam pleaded.

     Explaining Liam why his work was important would be like explaining him nuclear biology. So, Louis had to come up with another idea. He started looking around the room, brainstorming what would keep the little boy entertained for a couple of hours. Liam was  waiting patiently, still hoping to get all the attention. Not finding anything, Louis sighed, almost giving up. But then, his eyes stopped on the window.

"Hey! I've got an idea." Louis said, more to himself, and picked Liam up, walking outside.

     He found Zayn in the garden, as always, listening to music. When Liam noticed him, he squeaked


     During the last month, he and Zayn became the closest of friends. Louis invited Zayn to their house almost every day, loving their friendship.

      Zayn snapped back to reality and smiled widely, seeing his friend in Mr. Tomlinson's arms.

"Hello, Mr. Tomlinson. Hi, Li."

     Liam just waved excitedly, too lazy to use his vocal cords.

"Hey, Zayn! You busy?" Louis asked, hoping that Zayn would save him from a very grumpy and clingy Liam.

"Not even at all," Zayn chuckled. 

     Well, he actually had a ton of homework to do, but other than English nothing interested him enough to be worth his valuable time. He better babysit Liam. They may be best friends, but Zayn's role consisted more of taking care of the toddler, because of the age difference. And still, he preferred the small boy over any friend of his own age.

"This little munchkin won't let me work. He is tired of playing alone, or in other words 'he is boooored'" Louis said, mimicking Liam's voice.

"I see. We can play together. But it is so good outside. Let's not stay at home, please!" Zayn suggested. 

     The weather was lovely and why stay at home, if you can have a lot of fun.

"Zee, bud, I can't leave you two alone in the garden."

     Zayn still didn't want to give up. He wanted Liam to have some real fun. The poor kid was in the house ninety percent of the time. When the light bulb appeared on top of Zayn's head, he smiled to himself and said.

"There is a small farm ten minutes away from here. I like going there once in a while. There are dogs, cats, goats, and other animals there. Mr. Peterson even lets me pet them. They are actually there for adoption, but they like random visitors too. And you can join us, Mr. Tomlinson. There is free WiFi in the house, so you can bring your laptop and work there, while I look after Liam."

     Louis started measuring the pros and cons. On one hand, he would get easily distracted. On the other hand, Liam would have a good day with his friend. Well, the decision was obvious. Liam, still not aware of his father's decision, started jumping happily in his arms, looking at him with his biggest puppy eyes. He thought he still had to convince Louis.

"Yeees! Pleaase, daddy! I wanna see animals! Pleaaase!"

"Um... Zayn, I have an important question to ask," Louis asked Zayn in his most serious tone, ignoring his own child.

"Yees?" Zayn was pretty sure this was one of Mr. Tomlinson's plays.

     But he always plays along with him, enjoying Liam's confusion the whole time.

"What is the best way to get rid of puppy eyes?" Louis asked, really interested in the discussion. Liam was looking between them in Louis' arms, afraid of what they would do with him.

"Lemme think. Ooooh! I remembered! Tickles!"

     Zayn jumped and started tickling Liam, who was already attacked by Louis' own tickles. The two attackers didn't stop torturing their victim until his laughter was audible for the whole neighborhood. They all dropped on the fresh grass, laughing uncontrollably. After calming down a little, Louis stood up and said:

"I'll go get the laptop, you make sure this troublemaker stays in his place."

"I not a twoublemaka!" Liam protested, crossing his little arms in front of his chest and pouting. He was trying to look angry, but, well, he just looked million times cuter.

"Yes, sure. Whatever you say, little one!" Louis winked at him and hurried back to his house.

     Liam turned to his friend.

"Zaynie, is there lion on the farm?" He asked hopefully. He really wanted to see a real lion. And Zayn said that there were different animals on the farm, right?

"No, Li. There are no lions there. And before you ask, there are no tigers, either. But you know what?" Zayn quickly added, noticing that Liam's mood was about to change, "Mr. Peterson has a beautiful horse. It's a light brown stallion. It actually is the color of your hair, and he is also kind of soft and sweet. Just like you. But it is really tall. It has lighter mane, almost sandy blonde. You will definitely love it. And if I manage to copy your puss-in-the-boots look, aka the puppy eyes, maybe Mr. Peterson will allow us to have a ride one day. But now he will not let us do that, yet."

     Liam didn't like the fact that he was not allowed to ride the horse, but he couldn't wait to meet it. The way Zayn describe it made him even more excited about it. Louis soon returned with his laptop, a couple of files, and their jackets. He helped Liam to put the jacket on and led the boys to his car. Liam was in the car seat, blabbering about his favorite animals with Zayn, who was sitting next to him. Louis watched these two inseparable friends interacting, and felt s happy for them. He liked how close they have become. And he knew, this would last a lifetime.

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