Professor Horan

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- Zaaaaaynie, - Liam whined. - Aren't you dooone?

- Li, it's been two minutes. Please, do something. I still have some assignments to check.

Ever since Zayn became a professor, his office turned into Liam's and Charlie's favorite. It's been years and Liam was already fourteen, making Charlie sixteen, and Zayn twenty-three. Time passed pretty quickly and not many things changed in their lives. Charlie and Liam were still the closest of friends. Zayn spent his entire time with the Styles-Tomlinson family. Louis and Harry let Zayn take Liam to the school and back, which meant Liam had to wait a little longer after the classes, so Zayn could do some work.

There was a knock on the door and Liam noticed Charlie. He happily walked out of the office, letting Zayn know that he wasn't alone.

- I thought you went home with Zac, - He said, looking up at Charlie and smiling.

- Nah, didn't want to leave you to die of boredom. - He answered, wrapping an arm around the boy's shoulders and starting to walk.

- Now we can die of boredom together. - Liam huffed. He was still not allowed to go home alone, cause Zayn never let him. If he could, he would be home, watching movies with his dads. - What can we do? Just please don't tell me to do homework like Zayn.

- Me? Homework? Nope, bud. We could play basketball or table tennis. - Charlie suggested, already leading the way to the sports hall.

- The doors are closed. I came here like fifteen minutes ago. - Liam sighed.

- Jeez. Well, then we can ... You heard that? - He said and stopped them.

- Heard what? - Liam asked, confused.

- Let's go, - Charlie said, already dragging him to God knows where. - Listen! - He instructed, leaning close to the door.

- Who is there? - Liam whispered to his friend.

- No idea, Li. Let's have a look.

Charlie took his hand, when the song was over, and knocked on the door.

- Come in. - They heard someone say.

Liam didn't move, but Charlie confidently entered, pulling Liam along with him.

- Hey, kids. Whatcha doing here at this hour? - A cheerful Irish accent asked them.

- Waiting for Mr. Malik to finish his work. We are his friends. We just got bored and heard you singing here. - Charlie explained.

- Good. I'm Niall, by the way. - He said, smiling at the two boys.

- Niall? - Charlie asked surprised. The lad was definitely elder than them.

- Oh, I forgot, Professor Horan. Still not used to the name. Makes me sound like an old chemistry teacher with white hair. - Niall corrected, laughing at his mistake.

- I'm Charlie, and this is Liam. - Charlie smiled at him, still not letting go of his friend's hand.

- Nice to meet you, boys. So, you said you were bored? - Niall asked, rubbing his hands together. The boys nodded and he continued, - Well, as you can see I'm the music teacher here. What would you say to learning to play some instruments? You are going to have to do so, anyway, so what if you choose whatever you want and we'll have fun?

- Yaaay! That's a great idea. I actually play the piano and a little bit of the guitar. - Charlie exclaimed, already motivated.

- Impressive! You go to the piano and Liam, what about you, bud? - He asked, walking closer to the youngest boy.

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