The Rescuers

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     Zac and his friends decided to play American football, before getting back to the camp. Even though it was cold and the ground was still covered in snow, the boys wanted to have fun.

     During the game, Zac threw the ball too quickly and Adam missed it, luckily enough, avoiding it hitting his face.

- I'll get it. 

"Dammit, Zac!" he mumbled to himself, not able to find the ball. He walked further through the trees. But when one certain thing caught his sight, the ball was long forgotten.

-ZAACCC!!! - He yelled and ran to the figure.

     Before he could have a look, Zac reached him and kneeled down the unmoving form. He turned the person to his side and gasped, totally horrified.

-LIAM?! OH MY GOD, LIAM!!! - He shrieked, setting the boy's head in his lap.

     He immediately took his phone and dialed Chris' number with trembling hands. Luckily, it didn't take long for Chris to answer.

- Zac?

- Hey, d-dad. I.. I do-don't know how to s-say this, but... I... - he stuttered, too shocked to control his speech.

- Hey, calm down, bud! Can you just tell me what's wrong?

- It's... it's Liam. I don't know why he's here, but, dad, he's unconscious! - He explained, his voice cracking.

- Liam? He's in the camp?

- No, dad! In the forest nearby. We were playing soccer and we were looking for the ball. And I found him here, laying on the ground. Dad, he isn't moving.

- I'm coming right now. Is he breathing?

- Yes.

- Can you check his pulse?

- Yeah, yeah. It's ok. He doesn't even have bruises or anything. - He answered, examining Liam's body, to make sure he was ok.

- Take care of him before I get there!

     With that, the conversation was over, and Zac could feel his father was burning of anger and concern. He looked around to see his friends staring at the boy worriedly and picked Liam up bridal style and walked out of the woods. He made his way to the driveway and laid Liam on a bench, resting his head carefully on his thighs.

     He was relieved when he noticed his father's car. Chris parked it near the branch and jumped out of the driver's seat. He ran to the boys and took Liam from Zac's arms.

- Help me put him in the backseat. - He ordered.

     Zac quickly opened the door and entered the car. He helped Chris put Liam in safely.

- Zac, calm down. He'll be fine. - Chris said from the driver's seat.

     Zac hadn't noticed how they started to drive and how his breathing hardened. He couldn't answer him.

- We'll take care of him, ok? I promise you, bud. -  Chris assured, trying his best to sound confident. He wasn't looking at the boy's body, cause it hurt too much. It hurt too much knowing that the little boy you used to babysit with your husband was lying unconscious in your car. He kept driving and parked in front of his house.

     Chris hurried inside with the unconscious boy in his strong arms. When Tom and Charlie saw them, panic and fear filled their hearts. They ran to the other three.

- What happened?! - Tom gasped and stroked some curls away from Liam's forehead.

- Lili?! - Charlie shouted, his voice cracking. He shook him a little, hoping that he would miraculously open his lovely eyes. But Liam didn't stir.

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