It's You PART II

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It turns out Harry had too much cold beer to drink last night and now his throat won't open up. It's sore and the doctor said to minimize the use of his vocal cords.

So Harry does what he does the best, he sulks on a couch. Liam looks at him with concerned eyes, always the caring one. But Harry gives him a thumbs up and smiles. Maybe it works, because Liam smiles back. Louis comes up with another club, that according to him they should definitely go to. Harry sulks even more at that, but he smiles for them and tells them to go and enjoy.
Liam ruffles his hair and asks him to rest, while Niall promises to send him Louis' drunk videos and Louis, well he smacks Harry's ass and goes running out of the door.

Harry's about to regret his whole life, when he hears shuffling. He turns and it's Zayn. It looks like he's just woken up and it infuriates Harry how Zayn still looks like a fucking Versace model. He wants to punch his beautiful face and kiss the fuck out of it at the same time. Zayn nods at Harry but his eyes are guarded. Harry nods back and turns away from him. Harry can feel the weight of Zayn's gaze on his back. It's a long uncomfortable silence and Harry's about to think of an excuse to get away from Zayn and his stupid gaze that gets Harry hard as fuck, when Zayn speaks,
"You okay?" and Harry's caught off guard. He turns around and nods at Zayn, he attempts a smile at Zayn but Zayn remains blank. But then Zayn's lips twitch and he's smiling, at Harry.
And Harry knows now what it's like to have Zayn smile at you.

It's like having your favourite cup of hot chocolate with your favourite book on a cold day.
It's like having a baby hold your finger.

It makes Harry warm inside. Zayn walks towards Harry and sits besides him. And Harry's thankful for his sore throat because he doesn't know what he's supposed to say.
"I didn't mean to", Zayn says. Harry looks at him confused.
"Uh, I mean acting like that, I don't mean to, I don't hate you Haz." Zayn scrubs his hands over his face and looks at Harry again. " It's just you're too much for me, sometimes. You overwhelm me."
Harry grins at that. Something in his gut loosens and Harry feels he can breathe around Zayn. Harry reaches for Zayn's hand and smiles, Zayn's hand is warm in his and Zayn's smiling too.
Harry thinks he's imagining it but Zayn's leaning in, leaning in till Harry feels his breath on his cheeks. And it's so intimate and soft, Harry closes his eyes. Because he cannot, he cannot see how Zayn's looking at him right now and then pretend that it was nothing.
Zayn's breathing hard, and Harry's breathless too.
He feels Zayn's beard scratch against his cheeks and the burn sends shivers through Harry's body straight to his dick. Zayn's not even kissed him yet.
And then he feels the press of Zayn's lips to his skin, on his forehead.

They still for a moment, Harry inhales Zayn's scent and it makes him cry how much he wants to lick Zayn's skin right now. But then Zayn's pulling away and smiling so wide at Harry, Harry thinks he might explode.
"I'll make you some tea, mum said it helps the throat." And Harry nods, feeling grateful, blissed and turned on all at once.

This chapter stretched again! I didn't mean to. It's just I want to give them time. And I think, given their sexual tension, there might be a little bit something in the next chapter!

I hope this looks good and you guys enjoy this.
I'm so grateful for you all. All the love. xx

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