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It's the ticking of the clock Zayn thinks, that's making him anxious.

Yes, it's definitely this annoying ticking of the clock and not the fact that Harry isn't back yet, neither has he called or texted and that probably means he's gone with a guy or a girl to their house tonight, that makes Zayn so anxious.

It's a pattern, a pattern they're both accustomed to. No matter what,no matter where, Harry always comes back to Zayn in the end.

And Zayn, well he waits for Harry to come back. Because he's too scared to reach out for Harry. Because Harry's like sand.
He slips right out of Zayn's hands, so Zayn's stopped trying to tighten his fist anymore to keep Harry close.

There's a knock at his door and Zayn's heart is already on the verge of exploding. He stands up and opens it with sweaty fingers and there he is, Harry with a loose smile and curls hanging on his forehead, limping and unsteady.

"Hey youu!", Harry whispers and tries to wink and Zayn just shakes his head,
"Come on Haz, let's go in."

Zayn hold Harry by his waist and Harry leans into him. Harry hides his face into Zayn's neck and whispers,
"Missed You." And Zayn smiles, because that's how Harry is.

He's clingy and emotional and romantic and touchy when drunk. Zayn doesn't know if he does that to everyone or is it just for him. And just cause Zayn doesn't care anymore,or he thinks so, but he says it back,"Missed you too Haz."

And Harry smiles against his neck.  Zayn takes him to his bed and lays him down.

"You're beautiful Zayynnie! You're beautiful! You know that? I would love to show you off to the entire world.", Harry holds Zayn's hand.

"I'd love to keep you to myself.", Zayn whispers. And brushes Harry's curls out of his face. He makes Harry comfortable and covers him up with layers of blankets. And Harry sighs again and takes a deep breath.

"Smells like you", he says breathing against the pillow, "I like it, helps me  sleep, no nightmares."

And Zayn wants to laugh and cry at the same time. Because this Harry that shines so bright that Zayn can never keep him for himself, this Harry who can have anyone he wants with his Cheesy lines and deep dimples, this Harry who's like a star, bright and  unreachable to Zayn,
This Harry needs Zayn's pillow and his scent to sleep.

"Sleep babe." Zayn turns to get up, he'll have to sleep on the couch again.

"Zayn?" Harry whispers.

And Zayn turns around, eyes curious.

"I love you."


There will be a Part 2 to this. CALM DOWN. 😂
You guys 🐻 with me so much. (Bad pun)
But yeah, I love you all.

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