Drunk II

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This one's for zarrynotsorry_ I hope you like it Simran. 🧡

The thing is Zayn has always been an emotional person.

Once when he was four, he saw Doniya crying because her favourite doll had broken.
So Zayn ran to his room and didn't come out the entire day.

Later that night, when Doniya had her broken doll clutched to her chest, Zayn tapped her on her shoulder and gave her the drawing he made of a doll for her. Intricate colours mixed together and a bit smudged here and there with the tears that Zayn probably shed while drawing it.

Doniya finally smiled wide and hugged Zayn and Zayn could finally feel something loosen in him.

Trisha's always been worried about Zayn, how he never lets out his feelings but cares too much, can never break hearts.

So when Harry whispers "I love you." , Zayn stills. And his heart shatters. Because Harry, who doesn't see Zayn for days while he visits new places here and there, says these three words  with such ease and it shatters Zayn because he's kept these words engraved in his heart for so long.

"You're drunk!", Zayn shakes his head, disappointed.
And Harry looks confused at first, a soft pout, but then he sits up. Harry reaches for Zayn's hands and brings him close.

"No, No! Zayn! I know I'm drunk, I know that I'm clumsy and I know you think I don't care, I know you think I mess with you, but Zayn this is intoxicating. You are intoxicating. Your touch, your smile, your lips, your eyes, your scent, your name. And I know I'm drunk , but I can never be sober enough to say I Love You to you because I'm drunk on you." Harry huffs.
And Zayn's still looking at him like Harry's grown another head.
"You..but you always went with those girls and blokes.." Zayn whispers.

"But I always came back Zayn, don't you see it? And do you know why I always came back?" Zayn shakes his head no.

Harry smiles sheepishly, "Cause all I ever did with them was talk about you and your eyes and your lips and your hands and your nails and some of them would get bored and send me home, and the others well they rubbed my shoulders and would tell me to sleep at their place for the night."

Zayn laughs at that. A startled sound that worries Harry for a moment. But then Zayn smiles Harry's favourite smile and leans in close, "I swear if you regret this in the morning and leave me alone.."
"I won't!" Harry says. "I won't go Zayn. I can never go. I'm here, I'll be here. "

Zayn nods. "Can I kiss you then?" Zayn whispers.
"Yes please." Harry whispers back.

Zayn presses his lips to Harry's then in a rush, like he's been starving without Harry. And Harry grabs Zayn's shoulders and brings him close, so close that Zayn can hear Harry's heart racing along his own and for a minute, both their hearts become one.

Zayn pulls back and Harry's smiling wide. Zayn nudges his nose with his own and whispers, "And in case you were wondering, I think I love you too Styles." And kisses Harry again because he can.

There! Happy?
Zarry's Valentine's became a Happy one. 😌❤️
Tell me what else you'd like me to write on if you guys have a prompt.
Love you all. And happy Valentine's ❤️❤️

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