|Part 1|

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|Shi Yoake POV|

I walked through the abandoned street as I came up to a small run-down building which I came to call 'home'. With my knife in hand and some bread in a bag that I found at the dump slung over my shoulder, I opened the door and wandered in to find my 'parents'. My little legs carried me to the kitchen area where a small table and a few chairs sat, a counter to prepare food and a basin that we use for cleaning purposes. In Meteor City standards my 'family' were pretty well off with all of this as many had nothing. I was one of them. I never considered myself part of this family and I never would want to with the way that they treat people. I place down my bag next to the table and hid the knife behind my back as I heard quiet voices and heavy footsteps come down the stairs. The house creaked and stirred as the floorboards were woken from slumber. I looked towards the doorway as a figure approached me. My father or male career sauntered up to me. Raising his hand he swung it down and it came across my right cheek with a loud 'SLAP'. It stung but it never bothered me with my previous life. I've been through a lot worse.

"YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT! YOU'RE LATE!" He screamed in my face, spit flying everywhere. 

I looked up and stared into his eyes. I knew he hated it but it would be the last time to see my 'freakish' eyes before he says goodbye to this world. 

"I was out for a walk," I spoke not scared what he could do to me, "I needed some air."

He scowled and got ready to start screaming again, but his deep breath was cut short as I whipped out my knife and sliced his jugular on his neck. I watched as his eyes dulled over and he slumped to the floor with a 'bump'. Blood splattered everywhere, over the floor, on the walls, on me. My clothes or more like rags where stained with red, my pale skin covered in red splatters. My face wore a huge insane grin as I slowly walked out of the room avoiding the body and up the stairs to where my 'mother' or female career was sitting. As I entered the room she looked up and took one glance at me before screaming, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

She stormed towards me and gripped her hand 'round my neck, effectively choking me. I once again raised my knife and plunged into the woman's chest and straight through her heart. She stared at me with her dulling eyes, "How could you?..." 

The light left her eyes and her body relaxed as I was dropped to the ground. A pool of blood was forming under the paling body and I walked back down the stairs, grabbed my bag and exited out the door, not looking back once. I walked for a few hours as I search for a new residence. It took some time but I came across an abandoned warehouse and set up a small camp inside. At this point in time, I'm a 6-year-old who has killed her own careers and left home. But saying that I have the mind of a 21-year-old. 

I racked through my mind as I wondered what I should do before I go on an adventure. I know I need to get stronger but that will take some time. Oh yeah, I forgot about learning Nen, well let's get to it. After that, I would spend hours and hours training my physical strength and then meditate when I rested.

After a few months, I had a pretty developed body for a 6-year-old and I was starting to master the Four Major Principles: Ten, Zetsu, Ren and, Hatsu. Again I would work half the day on physical strength and then the other half of the day just strengthening my aura.

|A Few Years Later|

By now I was 8-years-old and I had masted Ten, Zetsu, Ren, Hatsu, Gyo, In, En, Shu, Ko, Ken and, Ryu. I had also come to the conclusion that I was a specialist but I'm still working on what that will allow me to do. 


I held my hand over the small bowl I had made that is filled with water with a single leaf on top. I released my aura slightly not wanting to overdo it. The leaf started to hover in the air as small water droplets rose as well and they slowly crystalised into ice that was dyed different colours. There was red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, white and, black. They had to mean something so I went over to meditate and think about what it could all mean.

|Flashback End|

After a while, I did it again but I used a stronger aura and this time inside the coloured ice were symbols, Japanese Kanji to be exact. Looking over them I read them as elements: Red - Fire, Orange - I didn't know, Yellow - Summoning, Green - Nature or Earth, Blue - Ice, Indigo - Water, Violet - Minds, White - Life/Creation and, Black -Death/Destruction. It was all a mystery and now I'm off on an adventure to see if I can figure out my abilities.

|891 words|

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