Jonathan Herondale

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"Clary Clary, can you hear me?" That voice echoed inside my head. Over and over again. But it wasn't really torture, the voice was calming. It sounded familiar, which made my brain curl up in its cozy bed in my head. It sounded like a night story voice you would use to nap a child. But that voice suddenly turned into a dark voice, which was such a mystery. It also spoke different, "Clary, wake up. Come on, Clary" That voice was more shaky, like it was about to cry. But the darkness and mystery in the voice covered it up. The voices switched sometimes, so it went from sweet voice to just darkness. I started to hear them slowly disappearing. "Call-" and "..on....way" was the only thing I heard. I couldn't focus much more and my brain and body just shut off.

I slightly opened my eyes to see such a bright light streaming into my eye. I didn't really do much, but I could hear everything.

"Clary" I heard, it was that calming voice again. But this time it sounded, worried. All the sounds before sounded blurry somehow, but now I could hear them clearly. My vision was blurry though, very. I could see someone standing there, with brown hair and a black jacket, I think. That person came closer to my face, and now I could see it. I mean, not perfect but I could at least see who it was. Simon.

"Simon" I said with relief. "You came" I continued and I felt my face strengthen itself to smile. It felt so nice having him around. Everything happened because of that I was worried about Simon, which I regret now. I felt his hand touch mine, he stroked it. "I've always been here" Simon said. Hearing those words made me feel so loved, I regretted it so bad. I regretted being 'mad' at him for no reason. And deep in my heart, even though I said I didn't really care about him, I did. And I never wanted to hurt him.

Someone else was in the room, it was obvious because that person coughed.

"You done?" He asked, it was obvious who he was, Herondale. The connection me and Simon had when talking got cut off when he said that, he was really getting on my nerves. "Don't you have lessons to take care of?" I asked Mr. Herondale while looking at him with a lazy expression. He had a stone face on, but I knew he wanted to grin so bad, I knew he wanted to show his glittery teeth again. "And where are we?" I asked but this time I looked around, realizing we were in what looked like a, hospital room? "Wait, why are we in the hospital? Did I hurt myself?" I asked again because I started to get worried. I sat up in the kind of hospital bed I had, trying to grab my phone that were near the bed on a table.

"Clary, you need to rest." Simon said. His calming voice made me ignore the phone directly, and instead, I looked into his eyes. His eyes were brown like honey and I could feel his eyes just melting right infront of mine.

Again ruining the moment, by coughing, was Mr. Herondale. "You done yet? I wanna talk to Clary." Mr. Herondale said, he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, sure." Simon said, stills sitting beside the bed. I just said that I didn't wanna hurt him but, for real? Even I figured out he wanted to be alone. "Alone" Mr. Herondale said again. This time is left arm were pointing to the exit while the other arm was still crossed. Such elegance to escort someone out, never seen that before.

"Controlling much?" Simon said when he left the chair, he winked at me fast then went through the door. But he came back a split second and waved at me meaning 'see you later', such a cutie. Simon closed the door and you could hear him saying hi to everyone out in the corridor.

"You never answered any of my questions" I said. He took small steps toward the chair that Simon sat on. "Yeah, well... Here's the fast version, you're not in a hospital, you're in the little hospital in school we like to call - school nurse. And, sorta. You kinda hurt yourself, you fell or 'passed out' on the floor in my classroom." Mr. Herondale explained. His explanation were clear and he didn't stutter through any of it. I mean, he actually had never stuttered before, but this one was impressive. He sat down in the chair, then started stroking the edge of the bed.

It wasn't exactly comfortable when he did that, but to be honest, I wanted him to do that. But I knew he was a teacher, and I didn't wanna make it more awkward than it already was. "Mr. Herondale, you're a teacher. You should go back to your students." I said, he laid his hand on the edge of the bed instead of stroking it. "1, I cancelled them all and 2, you're one of my students. And... Call me Jace" He said and of course smirked. "You've been wanting to do that since Simon left, didn't you?" I smiled. Soon his little mixture of a grin and a smirk transformed into a laughter. I have to be honest, his laughter was even worse than his grins and smirks. But it was still so addictive, and I know he thinks so about me.

"So, Jace.." I said and bit my bottom lip lightly. "Care to explain why you plan to spend the whole day with me?" I said and let out a little breeze of warm air. He laughed short and looked down, one of his hair were falling down his face. You would think that he just put 20 pounds of gel in it but you could see that it was all natural. "I'm a teacher right? I don't have to tell you my plans in the future" he said and you can guess, he smirked once again. He stood up, walking towards the door.

"When are you going to stop doing that?" I asked and he knew exactly what I meant. "Do what?" he opened the door and grinned at me with his bright teeth. There he was, that immature 'Jace' I knew. He closed the door on his way out and I tried to rest.


"Really, Jace, a student and a mundane?"

"Oh come on, you know she's none of those"

"We don't have time for this, Izzy needs our help."

"When it comes from her, it's an order"

♡ To be continued ♡

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