Chapter Fourteen

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            James and Matt sat in relative silence in the kitchen, taking comfort in the low murmuring of their mates' voices coming from the floor above. James could tell it was Margot doing most of the talking, but he couldn't stop the upward twitch of his lips every time he heard his wild mate give her two cents. He loved that the two women were bonding, as much as he wished he could keep Soren locked up inside all day, or with him, he knew she needed more friends than just him. Socializing was a big factor in a wolf's life and despite the fact that she was human, she would need to interact with them frequently.

Upstairs Margot and Soren were still talking,

"James is one of the sweetest guys I've ever met," Margot explained, lounging against the head rest of the king-sized bed,

"He cares so much for his people and he's going to care even more for you."

"But why? Why do I feel so attached to him?" Soren's head was tilted to the side, curiosity brimming in her eyes.

"Did James not tell you? The two of you are mates."

Mates.The word felt familiar to Soren, as if she had heard James or Matt say it before. Her heart was telling her it felt right, whatever mates meant, she was sure Margot was telling the truth.

"What are mates?"

Margot's eyes lit up,

"Mates are your other half, what makes you complete. Mates are sacred in wolf culture, the word itself in short for soulmate. We believe that our souls are split in two from the moment we first open our eyes to this world, it is only in finding your soulmate that you finally feel full, feel complete."

Soren nodded, it made sense. Her tie to James, the weird sense that she could tell how he was feeling and when he was feeling it.

"What does it mean?"

"Well essentially it means you and James are meant to be together. That a power up above fated you for each other. It's a beautiful thing to find your mate. You will never be alone again, and James will always have your back, that's a guarantee."

"Is Matt your mate?"

Soren watched as Margot's excited face turned wistful,

"Yeah, I was so lucky to find him when I did, I swear I was so miserable and alone at my old pack. I'm an Alpha's daughter which comes with certain responsibilities and my father was never happy with me. It was a lot of pressure for a young girl and it hurt when my father gave me away so easily, but it was for the best. Matt treats me with the respect I deserve, and I know now not to accept any less from anyone."

Soren smiled hearing Margot's love for Matt. They seemed great for each other. Margot was a kind soul who deserved to be happy and cared for, of that, Soren was certain.

"Are you happy here, Ren? I know you haven't been here long and that it takes time to adjust, but I hope your happy."

Soren's smile fell slightly,

"James has a beautiful home, it's very quaint and homely and welcoming, but it's not mine. These walls feel like they're closing in on me and sometimes I find it hard to breathe. It is not the same as being outside, I don't know if I'll ever get used to it."

Margot looked thoughtful,

"I don't know how to help you with that, so I'm not going to pretend I have any sort of helpful insights. What I do know though, is that you should tell James how you feel, he'd want to know."

"Maybe. We'll see."

Margot got up from her spot on the bed,

"I had a great time today, maybe we can go to town sometime, get some coffee or something."

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