Chapter Seventeen

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Variety was an outgoing ray of sunshine. She loved gushing over Soren, complimenting her gentle but guarded face and long blonde locks. She felt very much like a mother hen, hovering over her and making sure she was okay.

Soren loved every minute of attention she got. Despite not being a fan of the spotlight, she couldn't seem to stop herself from leaning in towards the woman who exuded kindness and caring. It had been so long since she had seen her own mother, that she had almost forgotten what it felt like to have one. James took care of her of course, but Variety mothered her, and she found that she loved it.

The tall slim woman didn't stay at their table long, leaving "the lovebirds" to their own devices. Soren watched as she walked over to her husband, slapping his butt on her way by. Soren giggled, their interactions were so unique, and yet she was sure anyone who saw them would see how perfectly they fit together. She wondered if people would think that about her and James.

The food was amazing. James had ordered both a vanilla and chocolate milkshake, letting her choose which one she preferred. Taking the vanilla for herself, she watched as he dragged the chocolate one across the table towards himself,

"Which one's your favorite?" She asked curiously.

"Chocolate. It's obviously the more superior flavor, it's not my fault you don't see that."

Soren wrinkled her nose,

"I just like this one better, that's all."

"See," he said with a wink, "I told you we were made for each other."

"But if we were made for each other, wouldn't we both like the same flavor?"

James scoffed, "Of course not, how could I love you if I was always getting mad at you for stealing my ice cream?"

Soren giggled, James loved to joke around. She had never laughed so much as she had when with him. She thought back to their walk through the forest grounds, the number of times he had had her laughing and giggling amazed her. When she was with him, she felt carefree, something she hadn't felt since she was twelve.

The burger and fries were amazing. The food exploded on her taste buds and she had to restrain the gasp that threatened to leave her lips at the taste. James smiled knowingly over at her as if he had known she was going to love it. She couldn't manage to finish all the food on her plate, and she was grateful that James didn't insist she try. It was a lot of food for a regular person, let alone her who was still trying to train herself to eat three times a day.

When she had had her fill, she let James finish hers, he had finished his own burger in a grand total of two bites and had just been watching her eat for the last half hour they had been at the dinner. Looking around she admired the checkered floor tiles and cohesive retro theme of the diner. She loved how the red booths matched the stools at the counter, and how the walls were covered in pictures of teens and families enjoying their meals.

What caught her eye, however, was a girl in a booth across the diner. She was fiercely beautiful, with long brown hair and dark unblinking eyes that stared right at Soren. Her gaze was meant to be intimidating and Soren had to give her props, it really was. Vaguely Soren wondered if she practiced the look in the mirror, it was deadly. The girls stunning good looks were contorted with the look of pure malice, showing her ugly nature within. Soren nudged James' leg with her foot,

"Who's that?"

James looked up from his milkshake and across to where Soren was looking. James' attention did nothing to deter the girl, in fact, it made it worse, her upper lip curling with disgust as she got up and stormed from the restaurant. James swore under his breath.

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