fenton x reader

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         "Gizmoduck hero or menace? Comment your opinion on the news app. This is Roxanne Fethery on Duckbergs best news channel." You turn off the t.v. not wanting to hear the news to have it ruin your day. "Kaily I'm leaving for work you know my number right?" Kaliy was your little sister who you've had to take care of sense your parents died 5 years ago. "Yes, y/n, I know your number. You can go now bye!" You laugh as she shoves you out the door. You knew she was really excited because this is the first time shes ever stayed home alone. All of the other times you worked you had your best friend come over and watch her but you promised her when she turned ten you would let her stay home alone. "Ok. Just make sure you lock the door when I walk out." You shut the door behind you and start walking to the cafe that's just a little while down the road from your apartment.
         After working for awhile you decide to make a quick trip home and grab a better shirt after some customers ran into you causing it you to spill the orders all over yourself. Reaching the front doors of your apartment building you run into Fenton. Who pretty much everyone knows you like him but him. "Hola y/n, how was your day so far?" He asks you while holding the door open for  you. "Its work and cold so I have to say it was decent." You say laughing as you start plating with your hair out of nervous habit. As you make small talk in the elevator you realize that you have reached your floor. "It was nice talking to you Fenton we should do it more often. When are you able to do that again maybe I don't know if you want to i guess." You mentally punch yourself for being such a idiot for asking something like that. "Actually because of the snow that's supposed to be coming in, I'm going to be staying home the rest of the day. So whenever your shift is over maybe we can set a better date." You look at him,"Ok depends on the snow my shift ends at seven tonight see you then?" "Ok see you then."
            "Kaily! What did I say before I left? You we're supposed to lock the door when i left!" You hear a faint sorry from her that sounding like it came from the kitchen and you went to investigate. In there you fount a bit mess which by the looks of it was her trying to bake. "What the heck happened here?" She jumps up from where she was standing not knowing you were there. "Sorry y/n i was just trying to make you a cake and I even looked up the recipe online but I made a mess. Sorry." You look at her, her but eyes shining with the brink of tears. "Its ok I'll just call in to work and say I have an emergency to take care of here. While I do it start cleaning thins mess up." Walking to the living room you call your boss and explain what happened afterward texting Fenton to ask if you can try meeting up another day.
Y/n: Sorry Kaily decided to make a big mess in the house I have to help her clean up. Do you mind if i come over tomorrow instead of tonight?
Fenton: What kind of mess did she make? And sure we can do it tomorrow.
Y/n: Tried to make a cake and didn't go so good 😂😂
Fenton: lol. Would you like some help cleaning i can come over and help you.
After reading that text you look around the house. Sure it was a mess but having Fenton over wouldn't be too bad.
Y/n: Sure! That would be great actually. Thanks!
Fenton: yw. Be there in a few...
       "Kaily! Fenton's coming over to help clean I need you to be on your best behavior do you understand that?" Poking her head out the side of the door she asks,"Like Fenton Crackshell- Cabrera? Like the guy that lives upstairs you've been crushing on forever? That Fenton or is there another one?" Rolling your eyes you respond. "No its a Fenton from Wal-Mart. Of course its that Fenton he's the only one you know!" *ding* "I got it!" Kaily yells as she runs to the front door. "Hey Fenton! What are you doing here? Our house is a mess you don't want to come in here. See you later!" That little brat. "Actually i was coming over to help. Is y/n here?" Walking up behind Kailn and putting your hand on her shoulder. "Here i am. Sorry about the annoyance at the front door. Thanks for coming to help i really appreciate it." Letting him inside he takes a look around. "Its not that bad actually. You should see Gyros house. I don't think its been properly cleaned sense he moved into it." Fenton slightly laughs as he trips over one of Kaliy's messes she made. "I am so sorry." You say as you help him up. "I guess we should start cleaning." Showing him to the kitchen you notice its already cleaned. "Kaily when did you finish this?" "While you were on the phone." She looks at you then Fenton. "Sorry I didn't think she would actually clean it." You say while giving your little sister a death glare. "Looks like you have to go BYE!" Kaily is in so much trouble after he leaves. "Actually sense your free do you want to come over and we can talk some more." You screamed on the inside as he says this. "Sure! Just let me tell kaily first. Kaily im leaving to go to Fenton's. And lock the door when we leave!" Walking out the door you head to his place.

-_-Time skip _-_-_-_-__-__-_

      You spend a couple hours at Fenton's house and learn so much about him. You also agree to meet at a nice restaurant down the street for your first actual date. As you come up to the door you open it and its unlocked. But its really hard to be mad that she didn't lock it because if it wasn't for her this wouldn't have happened. "Kaily! You are so lucky I love you right now and you helped me get a date with Fenton. Otherwise you would be in so much trouble right now!"

That was really bad

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