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Y/n pov

     "Driving after a long day of shopping is seriously the worst!" I say, looking at the back of my truck, full of bags.

     "Well it could be worse... You could be marrying the richest duck in the world and all the stuff in the back is for said wedding." I look over at my best friend, Evee, she just shrugged and smirked at me.

     "Haha your so funny," I said lightly punching her in the shoulder, "I already am engaged to Scrooge and nothing you say can stop that." I look at her knowing this was all a joke but trying my hardest to be serious. I failed and we both laughed at our little banter. We pull up to the gate and I press the button to ask Mrs. B to open the gate. I didn't get a response and the gate didn't open, so I back out of the driveway.

     "Don't you have the code or something else you can use to get in?" Evee asks as I pull my truck up to the back entrance of the manor.

     "No I kinda, sorta, maybe, forgot the password and always depended on someone to open the gate for me." I look down at my feet a little flustered. I've been living here almost two years now and I still don't know how to open the gate. "Anyway you already know I have a terrific memory when it comes to memorizing passwords." The sarcasm in my voice purely evident. I get out of the truck and open the back door to start gathering my stuff to bring inside.

     "You need help y/n?" Evee asks while also getting out of the truck. I look back seeing only a handful of bags.

     "No, I think I'm good I only have one more trip after this one. Anyway you need to go home and get some sleep too we've had a long day of trying on dresses and planning the wedding. Sleep is definitely needed."

     "Okay, I'll see you later then!" Evee says walking to the front to go get her car. I watch her pull out of the mansion and the gates open up to let her out. I wish it automatically opened on the outside too. I thought to myself as I'm walking in. I decided to put my stuff in a small closet that Scrooge wouldn't find and go back to pick up the other bags. As I finish putting all the stuff in the closet, I grab a 'Pep!' from the refrigerator and head up to my room.

     I reach my room and pause for a moment. I thought back to the time that I scared Scrooge and thought of the look on his face last time I did it. What's the harm in doing it again, for old time sake? I quietly open the door and I shut it silently. When I turned around, I could already feel the anger bubbling up inside and the tears forming in my eyes. Without another thought, I throw my 'Pep!' across the room. Quick as lightning Scrooge and the mystery person bolts up looking at the now dented can on the ground. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" I scream, walking towards them throwing my hands up in the air. I don't even make it to the bed before I break down. "Why?" I whisper as the tears run down my cheek. Before I even let them answer I run out if the room and call Evee.

_-_Scrooge pov-_-

     "Y/n! Wait!" I get out of the bed putting my robe on as I run down the stairs. Getting to the last stair I see
y/n already out the door. I Sprint to the door hoping to stop her, but before I had the chance I'm pulled back by someone. "Let go of me! I need to get her!"

     "Scroogie, forget about her and come back upstairs." I tug my arm away from Goldie the moment after she said that. "Anyway if she left she obviously didn't care enough to talk to you about it." I fall to my knees, crying screaming out her name.

     "Y/n! Please come back!" I knew she couldn't hear me and I knew that she's probably never going to speak to me again. I pound my fist against the floor, tears covering my face. I've haven't felt this much pain sense I lost Della, then I lost Donald. "Now I lost the love of my life of my life." I sighed under my breath.

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