Chapter 2: Meeting

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(This is a redraw of one of my older drawings hope you like my redraw)

Ghost looked around panicked what he saw was his teams body parts scattered on the ground and shadows everywhere he looked next to him seeing a shadow with red eyes but it looked more human than the other he screamed in fear. The shadow looked at him a screamed "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" the shadow yelled with a high pitched voice "IDK WHO ARE YOU!?" Ghost asked the shadow calmed its self down "of course you wouldn't recognize me I don't look like myself here" Ghost then got hit by realization "wait? jimmy?" Ghost asked jimmy looked at him, "so you do realizes who I am that's probably a good thing, the only good thing here" jimmy said walking around to all the other shadows then ghost got hit by memories from around 8 years old.


Ghost was laying on a bed in dr.Oswalds office "Johnny I have new pills for you to take" he hands ghost a bottle of red pills ghost just looks at it before popping a pill into his mouth before coughing a little as it went down and when he opened his eyes he saw something that scared him badly, the office was covered in blood the nurses dead body was on the ground and dr.Oswalds head was on a desk and there was a shadow right next to ghost. When ghost snapped out of it he fell backwards and lost control of his body, jimmy stood up and looked at dr.Oswald and charged him he swung at him and missed jimmy then grabbed a piece of wood and hit dr.Oswald as hard as he could knocking him out then nurses came in and restrained him along with dr.deern "Ghost you need to calm down" dr.deern told him jimmy looked at him and laughed "Ghost isn't here right now only me jimmy" dr.Oswald regained consciousness and told them to lock him in a padded cell and that's just what they did

—flashback ends—

Ghost shook his head after that "this is that shadow dimension isn't it?" Ghost asked "yep" jimmy simply replied ghost decided to walk around he got outside and it was way worse outside but ghost took a deep breath and walked out into the cold blood smelled air.


(Fran and her friends landed in a strange town full of people doing weird things and a girl walking a dinosaur. Itward looked at the gang and declared "we should rest here for a while" Fran looked over at itward "can I go explore?" Fran asked itward sighed knowing what kind of 'explore' she meant "just be careful remore is still out there Fran" he said but Fran was already gone as Fran was looking around the shadow realm she sees a boy in a grey hoodie being followed by a red eyed shadow she walked up to the man "um sir there's a shadow behind" the man looked at her "huh? Oh yeah I know" he simply replied then the man looked at her again "wait, how'd you get here your just a little girl?" He asked Fran looked at him "I'm 11 and I took these pills that I was given in Oswald asylum and I piped up here in this shadow reality" ghost looked at here "wait Oswald asylum as in dr.oswald?" Ghost asked Fran's eyes lit up "you know doctor Oswald?!" She asked ghost just tsked "yeah he was my doctor when I was younger" jimmy seemed annoyed at that question they decided to go somewhere than the middle of a bloody road to talk. Fran couldn't help but notice how normal the shadow looked compared to some of the other he had a human shape but was dark like a shadow with red eyes and seemed to act more human.

(This is the original drawing)

(This is the original drawing)

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