Chapter 3:close and blood

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(Base by:Kaitlynd34

drawing by your truely)

After a while the pills whore off and the two realized they had more in common then they thought, ghost looked at her bottle of pills then to his noticing his looked a little different

"hey can your pills take you to any other reality or just that one we were in?" He asked remembering if he took enough he could enter the shadow reality (which he was half way into when he saw jimmy) and ithesta sometimes

"no they only take me to that one, why do yours?" Ghost simply nodded looking at the pills on his hands and shoving them in his satchel,

"so anything ya wanna do?" He asked the girl that he found out was named Fran

"I wanna see around this town can you show me?" She asked ghost nodded his head "sure" and the two started walking through the streets of little buts and some how they wound up taking the red pills as they were walking ghost saw jimmy start to look a little stressed

"hey casket what's wrong?" Ghost asks the murder that he out can't be heard by Fran but can be seen

"I-i just feel this dark presence that, disturbs me but I can't remember what it is, but I know I've felt it before just you to be careful keep her safe I think it's after her" jimmy told him before disappearing ghost looked over at Fran and got an idea of how to keep her close he picked her up and put her on his shoulders when he did she giggled and threw her hands in the air happily. As they walked everything they saw was more disturbing than the last especially since ghost could see more than Fran as they walked Fran got off ghosts back now just holding his hand ghost was on edge not knowing what could happen to him or Fran until this portal opened right in front of them a large black monster with a goat skull emerged out of it

"Fran Bow you will pay for what you have done!" He yelled he lifted a large claw hand and swiped down at Fran, Ghost quickly got in front of her his back to the monster and the monsters claws scratched into his back causing him to let out an agonizing scream as he shields Fran from it, Fran looks at him scared for him

"ghost are you ok?!" Ghost just nodded as the pills wore off ghost fell backwards onto the concrete Fran rushed over and shook him as a pool of blood surrounded him....

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