Chapter 5:getting to know everyone

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(Sorry the pictures not great I'm not used to drawing Palontras, or the positions some of the other characters are in)

Itward had cleaned the blood off the couch and toast smiled at him gratefully for it "Thank you sir, I really appreciate you cleaning off the couch." Toast told him his appreciation evident in his voice as he sits on the now clean couch setting the cups of tea in the table. Fran crawled up next to him holding Mr. Midnight.

"Are Ypu Johnny's friend?" She asked him looking at him eyes full of curiosity. Toast smiled and nodded.

"Indeed I am ma'am" he says, Fran giggles from his accent never hearing one like it before

"You sound funny" she says making Toast chuckle

"Well you see I'm from a country called Britain  so I have an accent" he says smiling at the young girl. The tall skeleton sits down next to her 'smiling' while Palontras lays on the ground. After a few minutes Jimmys walks down stairs wearing a non ripped red shirt and a black jacket over it twirling knife between his finger before plopping down next to palontras.

"So Jimmy you know them?" Toast asks looking at the killer making Jimmy smile

"Indeed I do toaster strudel, known for a long time" he says smiling Itward looks at the psycho on the ground.

"Oh yes, you were Remores apprentice that was in between the shadow realm and the other realm were remore lives and some how have managed to take over this body as if your a parasite" Itward said examining him. Jimmy crossed his arm holding his head high

"1) WAS remores apprentice till I found out his plans 2) I ain't no parasite if I was I would be harming ghost, no I help him" Jimmy said mater o' factly slightly offended at being called a parasite (venom anyone, no ok I'll just get back to the story) making Toast chuckle

"What's so funny burnt bread!?" Jimmy said pointing his knife at him his red eyes glowing Toast looked at Jimmy 

"Oh nothing" he said sipping his tea Palontras smiled a little 

"I remember when you came to ithersta well Ghost did I was so surprised he didn't need the seed for translation until I found out you were the reason he could understand" Palontras said looking at the killer, Fran looked at her friends

"So you guys have met him and Ghost before?" She asked them both of them nodded 

"But sadly unlike you we couldn't fully save him from the darkness or his "imaginary friend" he made" Itward said sadly Jimmy growled at the reminder of that box demon

"That stupid box thing started this whole mess, I swear when I find it again I'm going to shred it into little bits of cardboard and then burn it" Jimmy said clutching his knife tightly. Toast looked over concerned.

"Jimmy please calm down, and by he way I haven't gotten your names yet" Toast mentioned looking at the other Itward smiled at the Brit and slightly bowed taking off his hat when he does.

"I'm Itward the skeleton friend to all children" he said smiling

"I'm Palontras healier of ithersta!" He says smiling widely 

"I'm Fran Bow and I'm 10 years old" Fran says happily glad to be making a second friend on one day

"And I'm her loyal cat Mr, Midnight" the black cat said making toast stare in shock before remembering this isn't the weirdest thing he's seen all day 

"Well nice to meet you all I'm Johnny Toast" Toast said smiling at them all


Sorry it took so line I couldn't think of any ideas until now and sorry if this chapter is crap but I hope you like it 

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