Chapter 5 || Putting the plan in action

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Jimin's POV

We have to chain them up because when they wake up they are gonna be so angry. Like I was wondering where the salt went. Anyway I have to heal them because they are unconscious and they are in pretty bad shape, especially Suga's nose. I walked into Suga's room where he was chained up and touched each one of his wounds and I have to admit Alia really had a go at him. He has a broken nose that is bent to the side, his left arm was bent so that his elbow bone had pierced his skin. He has two black eyes and cuts and bruises everywhere. He is so bad that this is gonna take a while.

~4 hours later~

I was finally done with Suga and he looks as good as new but now I have to heal Alia but first I need some blood because healing Suga took a lot of energy.

~one glass of blood later~

I was approaching Alia's room when I heard moving about coming from in there. Oh no she must be awake already. I expected her to be knocked out for a couple more hours. I opened her door and I was right. Her red glowing eyes opened but they changed back to the right colour when she fully opened them.

"Huh" was all she said before she blacked out again.

So I have certain ways I can heal and some ways are faster. One way is to just touch the wound and concentrate and that's the longest way. The second way is to hug them, it does do it quicker but it takes more energy I have to have more breaks. The last way is the quickest and take the least energy. I can kiss their wounds. Obviously I wasn't gonna kiss that sticky ass Suga so I just touched and concentrated on his wounds but Alia well she's a girl and she is very pretty.

I approached Alia and kneeled on the floor and gently pecked each one of her wounds on her open skin. She didn't have to much damage so she must have been healing herself while fighting. I soon reached the only spot I hadn't healed. Her neck. I eliminated the space between us and soon my mouth was inches away from her neck and the wounds on it. I gently placed my lips on her wounds and caressed them with my lips. I started getting carried away and started to suck on her sweet spot. A satisfying moan came from the unconscious Alia. I smirked against her neck. I pecked her last wound, got up and walked out the room satisfied with my work. Before I walked out the room I caught a glimpse of her neck and it had a hickey on it.

"My work here is done." I mumbled under my breath.

Your POV

I woke up with a banging headache. I felt something on my wrist and looked it.

"Chains" I said aloud.

Why have I got chains on. I then recalled the memories of the fight and how Jin scolded us and told us we are going to put a plan into place. I wonder what the plan is.

I suddenly heard footsteps approach the door then stop. They must be able to hear me moving about. Jimin walks in I then say huh and act as if I am knocked out again. What ever you do Alia don't flinch at his movements. I slightly open my eyes and see Jimin walking closer and kneel down in front of me. He then gets closer and starts kissing the wounds which is normal as this is how he heals faster. All my pain goes away except from my neck. I sense him moving his head up towards my neck and I shut my eyes abruptly. I feel his breath on my neck which startled me because I didn't realise he got this close already but I held back a flinch. I then felt his soft plump lips on my neck. It felt warm but also uncomfortable as I only ever thought of Jimin as a brother. At first he was just doing gentle kisses on each of my cuts and bite marks but he then started to suck on a certain place that forced a moan out of me. It was embarrassing as fuck. My face felt like it was on fire. You could of mistaken me for a tomato. I swear. He pecked my neck one last time before leaving but before he left he said something so disturbing.

"My work here is done" he mumbled

Imma beat his ass when I'm out of these chains.

~time skip~

Jin's POV

I'm walking to Suga's room with a glass of water that has sleeping pills in it because this is what's necessary for the plan to work. I have already told the others that we are gonna have to give them something to knock them out and sleeping pills is the only thing we could think of that's not dangerous.


"So how are we gonna do this plan? I mean they are gonna be awake by the time we go back to put them in the room" Jungkook asked.

"Good point" I said

We had a silence sesh to think what we could do and I come up with and idea. "We can use sleeping pills, it's not dangerous and it's the easiest way"

"I'll go get the sleeping pills then" Namjoon said

"Ok but put them in water though" I reminded.

He nodded and was off down stairs. He soon came back though with two glasses of water

~Flashback end~

I opened the door to Suga's room and gave him the water. He instantly grabbed it and gulped it all down and within seconds he was out again and the same goes with Alia. I called the others down to help me get them to the room. Taehyung unbuckled the chains on Alia's wrists  and picked her up and for a second he froze but carried on like normal while Hobi did Suga's. I wonder what happened to Taehyung. They carried them to the  room and laid them each on the separate bed. Now all we had to do was wait for them to wake up. We also had a camera in the main hall in case they fight so we could stop them.

"What if this goes wrong hyung?" Hobi asked sounding guilty.

"It won't don't worry" I comforted.

We all sat in front of the camera and waited all in our own conversations except Taehyung.

"Tae what's wrong?" I asked obviously sounding worried

He said nothing and did nothing. He must have been lost in thought but why. How can something be so important you don't hear some one say your name. I don't know but I'm going to find out.

A/N: why do you think Tae is being like that? Comment below. Thank you again for taking your time to read this. ❤️Heartu.

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