Chapter 9 || Wandering thoughts

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Me and Suga stood their dazed by the sudden situation we where just in. WTF! They come in say some bullshit, walk out and expect us to take it all in. They need to get their heads together cause if they think this Boi is gonna abide. Dey crazy.
Yea I'm gonna listen to them.

I went into the kitchen leaving a dazed Suga and got something to eat because a certain someone disturbed me before.-_-. After a while I finally found two pots of noodles. Curry or chicken flavour. Hmmmmm. Dis hoe is going for curry flavour. I took it out and prepared ma noodles. Shall I make Suga some
Nahhhhh dat BISH ain't retarded he can do it himself. Oh wait he might be tho. Actually now that I think about it yea he is retarded but ya Boi ain't nice so he can still do it himself. I sat down on the chair while mixing my noodles and started eating them. I took a bite and BISH I know what heaven tastes like.

~5 mins later~

After I breathed in my noodles I threw it in the bin and walked to ma room but on the way I noticed Suga is still standing there. Ain't his legs gonna hurt from standing so long. It's not like I care I mean he can murder himself if he wants but me BISH I wanna sleep.  I went through the door shutting and locking it because you never know what that perverts going to do. I got changed into a top and some joggers because dat shits comfortable. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't lived.

 Anyone who says otherwise hasn't lived

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I also let my hair down. I jumped into bed wrapping my self up with my soft silk sheets like a burrito and a random ass though came in my head. Why did Suga do that to me earlier? Why did he say I was 'his'? Why did he say he wasn't 'sharing me'? He hates me or does he? It's not possible for him to have feeling for the only person he hates is it? I don't know but I can't take my mind off it and it's fucking annoying me like I swear imma murder that thought in a minute. After a while I drifted off to sleep with my wandering thoughts which wasn't half bad. As it led to a nice dream ;).

Suga POV

These people really think they can tell the sweg Suga what to do. Tch. They need to get a hold of themselves cause dey delusional. I look at Alia and she had a WTF face plastered all over her. If I was to say what she was thinking she would say they are crazy but she's gonna abide anyway. 

So if i was to sum up what they said they basically said, they are saying that we can't fight because they can't stop us because they are too weak. Wow. Alia walked off into the kitchen while I was lost in thought. I guess she is getting something to eat as of a little disturbance before. She found two pots of noodles and seemed to be debating over which one. Cute. She took a bite of her noodles and Jesus Christ she starts eating it like a dog. She threw her rubbish in the bin while I was stood here like a potato doing nothing. She shut her door and I heard a click. Tch what she think imma do, murder her or something. Seeing her go into her room made me think I wanna sleep to so I walked to room and also locked the door cause we all know she will murder me. I did my nightly routine and jumped in bed. I closed my eyes trying to sleep when a thought came to my head.

What came over me when I nearly kissed Alia? Why would I do that? She is my enemy. I can't like her. After a while of debating in my head I fell asleep into a deep slumber.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated. I literally can't think of anything to write so my next chapter will probably be my last and it will probably seemed rushed also. Sorry guys. I will do better in my future books to. Sorry again. ❤️

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