Tom Holland | Nightmare

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[Suggested by TCGal_06 ]

It was late at night. You had just woken up from a really bad dream, one that you'd never wish upon anyone. You didn't know what to do with yourself, you just sat up in your bed and stared off into the distance, holding back the tears boiling in your eyes. You take a deep breath, you couldn't hold it in any longer. Tear spilled out of your eyes.

"(Y/N), are you OK?" A voice called out.

"Tom? D-Did I wake you? I'm so sorry!" You managed to get out through your tears.

"Are you crying?" He whispered.

"N-No.. I'm fine-" You tried to convince him and turned the other way, dangling your legs off the bed.

"Hey, it's okay.. Did you have another nightmare?" Tom spoke quietly in your direction making it so his words were only for you.

"Yeah, I-I did.." You trailed off, ashamed of how cowardly and childish you were acting. It was just a nightmare.. why were you so bothered? You could tell yourself this as much as you wanted to but it changed nothing.

"Hey.." He said soothingly, hold you face in his hands. "It's okay to be afraid sometimes, I want you to remember that. Will you do that for me?"

"Yeah, I think I can do that.." You said, feeling much better thanks to your boyfriend.

"Promise?" He said, embracing you.

"Promise." You responded to him.

And that's what you and your boyfriend, Tom did for the next few hours. Just silently enjoying one another's presence in a loving embrace.


Well hope you enjoyed my first one-shot I hope to create more!

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