Loki Laufeyson (Highschool AU) | Troublemaker

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You were a good kid in your school. Were. But then, one boy changed that. You may not have had many classes together but you both just seemed to click. He was a troublemaker and with your behaving attitudes towards teachers knew he'd change that.

His name was Loki. You two eventually became best friends, partners in crime as some might say. However, your biggest problem was hiding your huge crush on the boy.

Monday, 9pm

You and Loki were tired of class, you sat there bored out of your minds while the teacher explained something completely useless. You heard a whisper

"Do you want to go elsewhere (Y/N)?"  It was Loki, you felt his warm breath on your face as he spoke.

"That sounds like a fine idea, Loki." You whisper back to him.

You both get up to leave the classroom, teachers in this school know of the reputation you and Loki have so decide not to question you if you are leaving a lesson or walking around during one.

"I have an idea.." Loki told you. He grabbed your hand and lead you to a locker. It belonged to a student named Bruce Banner.

"All we need to do is change the code, you know what to do" he said to you.

"Indeed I do" you said, you went to grab the lock to begin investigating but realise Loki still has a hold of your small hand.

"May I have my hand back now?" You asked blushing. Loki quickly lets go of your hand and turns away from your glance, trying to avoid you seeing his also blushing face.

You awkwardly change the lock code and then attempt to get Loki's attention by tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey Loki," you say in a small voice. Loki turned around and looked at you. "Can I try something..?"

"Okay-" he said but was cut off by you grabbing his collar and pulling him into a kiss. Loki, at first was surprised but shortly kissed back. You both stood there for awhile before you pulled away, looked into his green eyes and he looked into your (e/c) ones.

"You're such a troublemaker," you breathed.

"Oh I know," he said "But you like it, don't you?"

"You know I do." You say into his ear so only he could hear it. Then Loki grabbed you hand and lead to into an empty classroom, locking the door behind him. He walked towards you and kissed you again, you both couldn't hear the bell and the yells of Bruce Banner trying to get into his locked because you didn't want the moment to end.



Second One-Shot!

Hope you liked this one and I should be making another shortly!

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