t w e n t y s e v e n.

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The Future/ Taehyung's POV

It's been a week since Rika has been in the hospital. I've been having insomnia, I hardly eat. All I can think about is her. Why didn't I just talk to her?

I feel a tug on my shirt. It's Evee.

"Yes Evee?"

She rubs her eyes, she must be tired.

"Daddy, I miss mommy. I want to go to mommy."

I kneel down to her and mess with her hair. I smile to her and say,

"You will okay? But it's late, lets get you ready for bed okay?"


I pick her and and bring her to the bedroom. I lay her down and tuck her in. I give her a peck on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams okay babygirl? I love you."

She smiles as she fights trying to not fall asleep.

"Goodnight daddy."

I give her one last kiss on the forehead and walk towards the door. Before I get to the door, I hear Rika's faint voice.

"You'll always be by my side right?"

I turn around quickly to see no one. I only see Evelyn sleeping in the bed. I look to all corners of the room to see if it was the heat from the vents or if someone was outside the window. Nothing. I tried to contemplate what I heard, trying to make logic of it. I just blew it off as my head just messing with me.

I get a strange feeling in my body. I had the urge to go to her.

I walk towards the front door and put on my jacket. I grab my keys but before I head out the door, Yoongi grabs my shoulder and turns me around.

"Going to the hospital?"

I nod to him.

"I'll watch Evee. Just make sure you eat and sleep man."

"How can I? I did this to her."

He looks down to the floor and sighs.

"Just make sure to take care of yourself. Evee needs you, she needs both of you. So take care of yourself too."

He hugs me. Which surprises me, because Yoongi was never the type to show any emotion. The only time he did was when he saw me crying holding my daughter for the first time.

"I'll watch Evee, just go stay by your wife. I'll call you when I need you."

"Thanks Yoongi."

I leave through the door and head to the hospital.


I walk into her room. It's dark. The only thing that lit up the room was the machines that were attached to her. It breaks my heart.

I walk closer to her, just looking to her. I sit on the chair next to her bed. I just sit there and just doze off, thinking about our past. How we fell in love, how we ended up how we were now. My mind was a mess. But I swear I heard her when I was putting Evee to sleep.

"Rika?" I ask expecting to get a response.

It was only the sound respirator that made sound.

"Rika, hey."

I place my hand onto hers. I slowly weave my fingers with hers. I carefully look at her hand to see that she never took off her wedding ring.

"Remember when we first fell in love?"

I look to her, and of course, no response.

I smile softly.

"Well, I remember like it was yesterday. I saw you for the first time our freshman year of high school. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I wanted to get to know you, but I was afraid you'd reject me."

I didn't say anything afterwards. I just let the silence fill the room. All I could hear was the footsteps of nurses going to their patients outside the hallway.

I release my hand from hers and graze my finger across the side of her face.

"Rika, I don't know if you can hear me, but remember that promise? That promise I made to you when you got pregnant? Do you remember?"

Tears flow down my eyes looking at her. I fight back not to release anymore, but they just keep falling. I grip onto the hospital sheets and look down onto the ground.

"I promised you that I'd always be by your side. No matter what."

I could feel my eyes filling with tears.

"Rika, baby. I'm so sorry. I'm such a fool to think you'd do something to me like that. I'm so sorry."

Suddenly, somebody knocks on the door lightly. I pull myself together and wipe my eyes with the side of my arms. I stand up and turn around.

It was one of the nurses.

She gives me a pitiful smile as she comes closer to Rika's bed.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need to see if everything is alright."

"Oh, alright, I'll step out of the way."

I step outside the door. While I was waiting, I get a text from an Unknown Number.

I click the notification and see it's Namjoon.

Namjoon: Hey, this is Namjoon. Do you have time tomorrow?

Me: What's this about?

Namjoon: I need to tell you what happened between Rika and I.

Me: Yeah, I have time tomorrow.

I put my phone away and the nurse comes back out.

"You can go back in sir."

I go back into the room. I look at her again and again, it pains me to see her like this. I kneel down to her again and place my hand on hers. I hold her hand and I rub her fingers with my thumb.

"Rika, wake up please."

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