t h i r t y s e v e n

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Flashback/ Taehyung POV

"Here, I got this for you while waiting."

Namjoon pushes over a coffee cup towards me.


We both take a sip of our warm drinks.

I start to become furious, thinking of him and Rika.

Why did he hug my wife like that?

"How are you Taehyung?"

"Okay, Namjoon, we both know why I'm here. Please, enlighten me."

He uses both hands to hold his cup of coffee. He then closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Taehyung, we've known each other since high school. I've known Rika since then too. Rika and I have been good friends. I would never ever come between you and her. She loves you."

I widen my eyes hearing that. My heart starts to pound quickly.

"That, uh. That still doesn't explain why you guys hugged each other like that."

He sighs and then just lets out a small laugh.

"Rika, told me not to tell you, but for the sake of your marriage, I will."

I then look at him to his eyes. He looks nervous and I could see that he was genuine.


My heart starts beat quickly, making my body vibrate.

"Rika, had asked me to borrow some money."

My eyes widen and I furrow y eyebrows.

"Borrow money?"

He nods slowly and looks at to me in the eyes.

"She had explained to me that you guys had argued that night about struggling to pay some of Evee's hospital bills. She had texted me that night to meet me at a coffee shop. She asked to borrow some money and would pay me back."

I was beyond shocked. Something so simple and harmless, I had made into a dramatic situation. None of this would've happened if I had just talked to her.

"The reason why she hugged me like that was because I told her she could just have the money. I didn't want her to pay me back. She even asked me to work at my company to pay for it back, but I said no. I persisted her to just take the money. I could never see my friends suffer. I guess she was so surprised by my answer that she just hugged me like that."

I'm stunned that I didn't know what to say. I kept quiet and I felt guilty. I made her suffer.

"You know how much this girl loves you Taehyung? Everytime we would catch up, she would always bring up how much she regret not going to art school. Then she would bring you and Evee up, saying she would never change a thing though. She loves you both very much. I could never take that away. Please believe me, please believe her."

I give him a look of guilt. My eyes start to get watery.

Rika, how could I? How could I think like that of you? I should've talked to you. Now, your in a hospital bed, because it's all my fault.

I wipe my tears quickly and look to Namjoon.

"Namjoon, thanks for telling me, but I have to go to the hospital now."

He nods.

I rush out of my seat and head for the hospital.

I need to be by your side Rika. I got to.

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