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"Here. It's already signed and dated."

He smacks the paper onto the counter.

I could hear my blood rushing through my veins. All I concentrated on was how hard the rain hit the windows. The weather was starting to look bad, just like my life.

I couldn't face looking up at him. My hair was blocking my face as I was looking down at the ground. I didn't want to look at the paper.

As he was about to leave, I could hear him walk back towards me.

"You know what Rika? We had our problems, I had accepted that. But I didn't think you would do that to me. To us. You did that to Evee you know that? What kind of mother are you?"

He then walked towards the door and left, slamming the door.

I then cried all I could. I felt shattered.

Let's start from the beginning.

Taehyung and I were high school sweet hearts. Everyone wanted to be us back then. We were that 'relationship goals' couple. I had a free ride to the university to an art school. Taehyung was going to play soccer for his school.

But one night we had sex. After missing my period a month later, I found out that I was pregnant; at 17. We both decided it was best for me not to stress myself and just not go to college.

I know stupid right?

We both got married before I gave birth to our child, for our families. Taehyung went to a junior college to become a car mechanic, since it was cheaper and closer than going to a university.

When I finally gave birth to a girl, we named her Evelyn, Evee for short. That was our happiest moment as a family.

Anyways, back to now.

I am now a 25 year old. I work as a sales associate at cosmetic stand in a department store. My husband just gave me divorce papers and wants full custody of our child. I am currently regretting my life choices. Why did I get knocked up?

I then get the courage to run out the door.


I run to him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Please... It wasn't what it looked like, please believe me."

My voice trembles and shakes.

"Please. Please don't do this to me. Please don't do this to our daughter."

He scoffs and pushes my arms off of his waist.

"Save it for court Rika."

He walks off.

I stand there and I yell,

"Please, don't take her away from me. Let me see her at least."

He walks to the elevator and closes it shut.

My eyes are flowing with tears. I turn around and walk back to our apartment. I mean my apartment now. I sit down on the stool. I'm looking at the paper on the kitchen counter. I see his name signed. It makes me cry even more. I end up talking to myself.

"God Rika, what are you going to do now? You have nobody. How am I going to survive alone? My daughter...why is he taking her away from me?"

I just stare at the divorce petition. I stare for quite a while. All this emotions just rush up into me. I felt a rush of everything. I grab a pen and I signed it. I then put my arms on the counter and lay my head on it to cry.

After crying for so long, I grab my phone to text Taehyung. I was angry. What's that thing again? The stages of grief? I thinkI past denial already. Yeah, I did, now I'm angry.

Me: I signed it, happy? Come get it yourself. And if you're going to take Evee away from me, let me see her for one last time.

I press send and throw my phone onto the counter.

I then go open the freezer to grab my pint of mint chocolate ice cream.

I grab a spoon from the drawer and open the lid. I scoop a spoonful and bring it towards my mouth.

I stop and say to myself,

"Screw it."

I shoved it in my mouth. I eventually ate the whole pint of ice cream. I was on the couch, feeling like shit. I then look at my phone and open up the message I sent to Taehyung. I scoff.


I roll my eyes.

"You're gonna leave me at read you stupid asshole?!"

I throw my phone and start crying again. Angry cry. I eventually end up falling asleep on the couch.

What am I going to do?

a.n: How is it so far? Thanks for reading. Oh, if you read all of my stories, can you tell my favorite icecream flavor is mint chocolate chip? xP

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