The Blue Boy Who Saved Her Life

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y/n pov

i sit on my bed gambit laying next to me, my phone bings i look at it and a number i didn't know texted me.

unknown: hello.

me: uh im sorry do i know you?

u: yes you do you just don't remember me.

m: oh ok.

u: i see you moved in with your brother.

m: yep.

u: we should meet up sometime.

m: ...ok?

u: but leave your brother there and you new guard dog Colby.

m: ..... uhhhh

u: got it.

m: k...

u: meet me at (random address) ok.

m: ok...... when?

u: 6:00 pm

m: ok

well then i have a few things to say about this 1. Colby's is not my guard dog. and this guy is weird i don't think i know him but imma bring gambit just in case.


y/n pov

i was getting ready to leave when elton spoted me.

"where are you going?" he ask crossing his arms.

"im going to take gambit for a walk" i said opening the door.

"ok..." he said turning to go back to the garage. i walk out the door with gambit on a leash and went to the place i was told to go to. a person walk out of the shadows.

"hello y/n so nice to see you again" he said.

"ex/n"(ex-boyfriends name) i said scoffing.

"hehehe i see you brought a friend" he said looking down at gambit who growled at him ex/n growled back at gambit making gambit back off, my poor baby this man has done horrible things to both gambit and me.

"you said i couldn't bring Colby or Elton you never said anything about gambit" i said glaring at him.

"good point" he said.

"lets see" he said as he pull my cut arm to him and rolled up my sleeve.

"ha still cutting your pathetic arm are you" he said scoffing and tossing me to the ground. gambit licked my hand and whimpered. ex/n pulled out a knife from his pocket. i started to panic. he turned to me and lifted the knife. he was about to stab me when blue smoke started forming in front of me.

"what the fuck is going on" he said lowering the knife. when the smoke cleared a man in a suit stood before us, i was shocked. he had blue hair and weird blue markings on his face.

"good afternoon" he said putting a hand out to help me up, i took it and he stood next to me

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"good afternoon" he said putting a hand out to help me up, i took it and he stood next to me.

"what the fuck are you some sorta magician" ex/n asked point his knife and the man.

"who am i? well. let me tell you" the man said. ex/n rolled his eyes.

"my name is death and i am the guardsmen demon of the demon king, also ment to help those who i am assigned to although i have never bin assigned to a human before i have help many demons, such as antisepticeye, darkiplier, d/n and many more" he said with a bow.

"guardsmen of the demon king? demons assignments? ya right" ex/n scoffed.

"maybe you ex/n should show a little respect to those in a higher rank then you" death said in a more frighting tone. 

"higher rank? suuuure" ex/n said rolling his eyes. next thing i know death has him pinned to a wall chocking him. soon he surrendered and made him promise never to tell anyone about him or to bother me again.


i got back home with gambit and walked up to my room. i hear a knock on my door.

"whaaaaaaaaaaat" i said in a silly tone.

"heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey" i hear Colby from the other side of the door. i giggle and open the door.

"wassup" i said.

"nothing im just bord so i thought i'd come chill with you" he said.

"ok" i said jumping onto my bed again.

"so how was your walk" he said.

"weird but good i met a person with blue hair."

"ha cool whats his name" Colby asked. i hear deaths voice in my head.

"Damien" i said petting gambit.

"cool name" Colby said with a smile.

"i like Colby better" i said giggling. he blushed.

a/n well there we go i did it i figured out how to add death in here haha anyway huge thanks to xxlilith1xx for editing this and all my other chapters also i have a plan for the next chapter Colby is going to find something he shouldn't and before you ask no it's not the knife. anyway bye bye my pups :D

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