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I looked at the stun darts in the wall and the floor, I dropped to my knees in tears as I looked at the small drops of blood on the floor. Colby kneeled next to me and hugged me tightly.
"It's gonna be ok," he whispered in my ear. But there was no way to brush this off, gambit just got stolen, and there is nothing I can do about it. I cried into colbys chest for awhile, Colby had texted Elton who arrived shortly after as well as Jake, Sam, Kat, Dyven, Corey, Aaron, brennen, and billy. All of them where supportive and billy called the police who arrived at the apartment about after a half hour or so. They searched the whole apartment for clues, they didn't find much but they took the darts and a sample of the blood.
I couldn't sleep that night, all I could think about was gambit, was he ok...?


It was now morning and the police called saying the blood belonged to a human and not a wolf, they identified the blood to belong to a man named 'Jacob Kong' he had a history of violence. They said what they think happened was that Jacob broke into the apartment to steal things but gambit attacked him as he knew that this man was not supposed to be there, he then shot gambit with a dart gun and took him away. What happened to gambit after their not sure, I fell to my knees crying again and Colby by my side comforting me, he wrapped his arms around me whispering things like 'it's gonna be ok' 'we will get him back' and more.

A/n I'm so sorry I haven't posted in awhile! I know I said I was gonna post every weekend but I've been really busy but I promise from now on imma try my dam hardest to get a chapter out every weekend! Bye bye my pups! :D

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