The girl who live's in the trees
I watched the moon turn into a figure i've come to know well in my years of solitude. The figure of the moon godess my own personal guardian. Her beautiful skin as white as a dove, her eyes like two iciciles peircing your soul. The earth quiet and still, the smell of fresh rain lingers. The only time I feel At piece in her glorious presence. My Godess Moon, my mother in another sense for I am made of all she is and more.
You see I'm a werewolf a descendent of the moon godess herself to be exact. The story of the first wolf the moon godess is one of tragedy. The moon godess started of as a beautiful child name safrina, her eyes were like orbs of piercing ice, long hair that shined like the sun, skin as fine and white as porclain doll. She was not excepted by her tribe because of her odd appearence. She looked like nether father nor mother or any one of their tribe for that matter. She was treated horribly and the horror that was placed upon her was unmeasurable.
When Safrina was born her father Samuel loved her more then anything which also made her mother marina jealous. She was cherished by her father but shunned bye everyone else. The tribe wanted to use her as there slave as soon as she turned five but samuel refused he would die before he let them use his flesh in such a way.
On Safrina fifth birthday they took her to the slave hut killing her father in his atempt to stop them. His wife struck with grief hated Safrina ever since not that she ever loved her. His wife watched the slavery process as she watched as the chief raped her letting her know she was now and forever owned.Her mother Marina sat back and watched with a sick smile of satisfaction all the years of her daughters torment.
A broken spirit she should of had but no safrina had hope and faith on her side. What no one but samuel knew was that Safrina was one with nature she could speak and here it, she could see nature on another level another plane she could see faires and other mythical wonderful creatures. She could talk to the sky, the wind, the nature, the animals she could speak to them all.
They are who saved her spirit they gave her hope and comfort when she needed most. At night when she needed them most after a full day of slavery and beatings they would sneak her out with allusions. They would lie her in the sofest flower bed and comfort her all threw the night she would get a good safe sleep with them and when day break came they would take her back.
Safrina met what she would think of as a second mother in a way or sister shall i say, beautiful white wolf mara that thought of safrina as her own. The wolf comforted Safrina the most She tried her best to protect her when she could. They had a bond like no other almost as if they were destined to meet.
Tragedy struck when Safrina was 14 the chief caught her with the wolf and killed the wolf. Safrina in a fit of fury shoved her hand threw the chief's chest pulling out his heart. She then in a hurry cried over the wolf begging nature to bring her back. Nature made a deal with Safrina because she new Safrina was destined for greatness for she had given Safrina her very gift. Safrina would share her body with the wolf if she would like her to return so she accepted.
From that day on Safrina and Mara were one although they were 2 spirits they were the same. Safrina could take both her form and Mara's but Mara was in charge when wolf. Just as Mara was a voice in Safrina's head when she was human Safrina was a voice in Mara's head as wolf. Safrina made sure to give mara plenty time in her wolf body. Safrina lived a long beautiful life, 215 years to be exactly looking no older then 40. With them 215 years came many wolves the godess made by just 1 bite but only people with inncoent souls.
Nature made it so that only Safrina can turn humans into wolves, the only other time a werewolve would be made is if a wolves mate was human. After 215 years Safrina took her life because she could not bear her life without her beloved mate who died when a human killed him when hunting. When Safrina died Nature made her the moon Godess of her kine because she could not stand the thought of Safrina being completely gone so nature and her share a plane.
What Mara did for Safrina is what Safrina is doing for me. She the little bit of light I have in this time of darkness. She is the only one I have left now. She's my comfort and hope in my world of Solitude up in the tree's.
Authors Note: Critisism is welcom and highly appreciated. Any kind of feed back is good for me:) Just edited this a little and added some visualization. Not much but I've been in a real stump.
The girl who lived in the tree's
WerewolfHaving your pack massacred at a young age while you watched from afar can break you leaving you unrepairable. That is unless the moongodess is helping you. Sarafina will go threw pain and torture, will anyone ever come and save her? Save her before...