Chapter Eight

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One thing that finally registered in my mind - my sense of direction is horrible. As I wander aimlessly around in the forest timelessly, I couldn't help but wonder why the heck I was still here and not battling a demon or something. I searched and searched for the answer, exhausting my mind, but still came up with absolutely nothing.

Maybe it was a time to rest? Tried that, but my adrenaline was still pumping fast, and it couldn't get a wink of sleep, even after such a long time.

What if I'm going in the completely wrong direction? As I said, my sense of direction is horrible, so I had no idea where I had been a few minutes previously.

An owl's low hoot startles me. I stare at the beautiful snowy white creature as it hoots again. Then it spreads its large, feathery wings and takes off into the dark sky.

I follow in suit.

My feet pound silently on the damp grass, trying not to slip and fall. My head swivels back and forth, one moment looking at the owl, one moment at where the heck we were going. If you ask me why I'm following an owl, I'll have to tell you: I have no idea. It just feels . . . right.

It hoots again, and I flinch, the sound so near my ear. I realize that it had settled on a branch nearby, training its large brown eyes on me.

I teach out my fingers, as if to touch the owl's pure white feathers, wanting to ask a question. But who ever heard of a human talking to an owl? Granted, this wasn't an ordinary owl, but is there really a big difference? But I still wanted to speak, for the sake of hearing my own voice.

"Where will you take me?" I whisper, not really expecting an answer.

The owl hoots once again. I am sorry, but I must obey my Master's orders. I cannot tell you what's going on. Good luck- you'll need it.

I gasp, immensely shocked.

Then it seems to nod its head once before taking off into the dark. I see its shadowy silhouette soaring over the giant canopy of trees before it disappears.

I feel a pang of loneliness pierce me before beginning to walk with a heavy heart.

I had never realized how precious Jim's company was until I was all alone. In this dark forest. With demonic creatures everywhere. Ah, 'tis a lonely world we live in.

As soon as I submerge in a state of deep thinking, it seems as if the Master finally made up its mind about what obstacle to put for me.

I was attacked. By a dog. No, not a dog. A . . . goat?

Then it all comes to me. There was a legend I came across once about a goat. The demon, Azazel. A very powerful one indeed.

The demon was so monstrous that it seemed as if all it had to do was to look at you and you would fall down either in fear or that you were scarred for life, as the grotesque scars etched on its face captivated your gaze- not because it was beautiful. No, definitely not! But because it was so hideous that you couldn't look away.

I was caught in its gaze, and so much that I didn't notice him- it- lunge for me.

I'm startled as my eyes focus on its ultra sharp claws, which are aimed right at me, ready to tear me down to nothing but a pile of shredded leftover human and clothing in one.

I scream. Boy, did I scream. I screamed so loud that it seemed like the very forest floor was trembling unsteadily underneath my unsteady legs, almost sweeping me off my feet and landing me on my butt.

But I only stumbled backwards, and thankfully escaped the terrifying claws of the Azazel. His claws still grazed my sleeve slightly, and tore a piece of my light jacket off.

I curse at the demon. That was my favourite jacket! Hmmm... I guess it wasn't a smart idea to take my favourite jacket Beyond the Boundaries.

I take out my dagger and swipe deftly, catching him. But he quickly heals. Oh god, this is going to take a while.

We keep on fighting for what seems like hours, but in reality, only a few minutes passed. And I was slowly but surely tiring, while it seemed to be fine.

It takes a huge cut at my head, and I'm not fast enough to dodge the powerful blow. I feel a gash open on my forehead as I start to bleed.

I stagger backwards, feeling dizzy.

My heart pounds so hard in my chest. The roar of the demon, is way too loud for my ears. One of its claws lash out at me, raking me on the arm.

Excruciating pain shoots up my arm, it is unbearable. I stumble. I am losing blood - fast, and I am now slipping in and out of consciousness.

I have to save Evelina, I think, no matter what, I have to save her.

In my miserable state of mind, I see a target clearly.

I bring my arm back, then concentrated all my energy on throwing my oh-so-heavy dagger. I hear a banging loud thud, then I black out.

Hey guys!

How'd you like it? Sorry if it was short.

Thanks for reading!


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