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Year: 2161 A.D.

"We should get lunch together on Saturday," Edwin said from across the lunch table at school.

"Ed, we have lunch together every day. In fact, we're having lunch together right now, if you couldn't tell from the horrible food." Andromeda wrinkled her nose, but took a bite of her sandwich anyway.

"No. I mean like, with real food at a real table. Without all of this." He gestured towards the commotion of the school cafeteria, then leaned in close and said, "Like, on a date." He raised an eyebrow, waiting for a response.

"As friends on a date?" she asked. She tried to seem cool, but inside, she was grinning like a lunatic.

"Well, that's for you to decide," he replied with a playful wink.


Edwin confidently strode into Andromeda's living room. "You ready?" he asked, and then did a double take. His eyes grew wider.

            "What?" Andromeda looked puzzled.

            "You're so beautiful." And indeed she was. Her dark blonde hair hung down her back in curls and she was wearing a simple, flowing blue dress. She had even put on makeup for the occasion.

            Edwin came to sit beside her. She leaned her head on his shoulder and he lightly stroked one of her curls. "There are thousands of twinkling stars in the sky, yet you call me beautiful?" she asked.

            "You're the brightest of them all," he said. "And your freckles are greater than all of the constellations. Not to mention, they're way more adorable."

            Andromeda's gray-green eyes shone. "Oh, Ed. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me," she confessed. "Thank you."

            "Of course. Now come on, let's go! Wouldn't want to be late for our first date, now, would we?" He kissed her forehead and she giggled.

            They arrived at the restaurant just in time for lunch. Edwin was a gentleman, as always, holding open doors and pulling out chairs. He seemed at ease to Annie, but the butterflies weren't just fluttering in his stomach. They were throwing a wild party. Or maybe launching nuclear missiles. He wasn't sure which.

            As they ate, Edwin asked Andromeda all about her new MV. "It's amazing," she gushed. "You need to feel the seats. And the magnetic connection--oh my goodness."

            Edwin laughed. "Sounds like somebody's got a cru-ush!" He said in a singsong voice.

            "Oh, stop it," Andromeda said. But inside, she was thinking, I do have a crush. Just not on what you think.

            After a moment, she said "So! How does it feel to finally be an adult?" Edwin had just turned eighteen, and was about to graduate high school. Annie was stuck in her sophomore year.

            "The same as being a quote-unquote kid," he said. "Except they expect me to care about things like the manned missions to planets and stuff. Like, I think it's totally cool, but I don't necessarily want to vote on it. You know what I mean? It's too complicated to think about."

            "I think so." Andromeda twirled her drink with her straw. "Hey, you think maybe it'll end up like the Space War Saga?"

            Edwin dropped his voice. "Do you mean the exact same Space War Saga that we've been obsessed with since forever? The one that features my role model, the Space Prince?"

            "That'd be the one, Your Space-ness."

            "I hope." He sighed dreamily. "I would so marry the Space Princess in a heartbeat."

            Andromeda blushed deeply, no doubt remembering the time she dressed as the aforementioned princess to see the premiere of Space War III. Upon seeing her blush, Edwin raised his eyebrows in question.

            "Four years ago. The premiere. I dressed as her." Andromeda looked down at her shoes.

            "Oh, right! Well, that's even better," Edwin said with a goofy smile.

            "Oh my gosh, Ed, did you really just propose?" Andromeda asked in mock surprise.

            "Nah. Just kidding. Well, mostly." They laughed awkwardly. Edwin was thinking of a different proposal, the purpose of this date. He had something to ask her. "Annie?"

            "Hmmm?" she fiddled with her bracelet.

            "I was just wondering...I wanted to ask you...agh."

            "What is it, Ed? Spit it out." Annie smirked. She'd known exactly what he was about to ask her as soon as he started speaking.

            Edwin's cheeks grew red and he scratched the back of his head. "Would you like to go to the solstice dance with me?" he said quickly, before he lost his nerve.

            Andromeda grabbed his hand from across the table. "I was waiting for you to ask! Took you long enough. I was about to ask you myself."

            "So that's a yes?" Edwin looked hopeful.

            Andromeda stood up and walked around to Edwin's side of the table. She scooted as close to him as she could and looked up into his deep blue eyes. "Of course, dummy. There's nobody I'd rather go with than you."

           She leaned in and whispered something in his ear. "I think I've decided."

             "About what?" Edwin asked, confused.

            "This date. I don't want it to be as friends."

            Edwin looked up after a moment, blue eyes meeting her greenish-gray ones, and then suddenly there was no distance between them and he was kissing his best friend in the middle of the restaurant. And it was immensely enjoyed by both of them.

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