Breaking The Internet(TOM)

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Tom HiddlestonxActress!Reader

Fluff I think? I tried, but idk .


"Everybody, 2 minutes to start!" Shouted some guy, and then approached us "Guys, c'mon you need to be in front of the camera like, now!" He ushered us quickly to the white sofas, Ellen was already in one, smiling at us. She obviously knows we are together, practically everyone in the industry does, they just have respected our wishes of keeping it private, for now.

"Okay, we are back in 3, 2, 1..." The audience cheered at the signal and Tom and I smiled at the cameras, Ellen started rapidly talking and re-introducing us

"Welcome back everybody, we are still here with the beautiful Y/N Y/L and the dashing Tom Hiddleston!" The audience cheered and we smiled at them, Tom leaned back a bit and opened his legs in his typical man-whore fashion I looked at him and smiled, God, I love this man.

"So, Y/N," Ellen said, catching my attention and making me look at her, "we believe you are single, right?" I blushed and stammered a bit, I could feel Tom tensing beside me but he didn't say anything.

"Apparently so," I said finally, not really answering her question.

"Well, great, because I am an amazing person and I will get you a beau with this little game we like to call 'Who'd you rather?' You ready?" Ellen smiled mischievously and I relaxed a bit, I know this game, what's the worst that can happen, right?

"I think so," I said, and looked at Tom that only gave me an encouraging smile, "will Tom be playing too?"

"Oh, darling, don't drag me into this!" He laughed his typical 'hehehe' laugh and touched his tie nervously.

"Don't worry, Y/N, Tom will play another game later," Ellen winked at us and the audience cheered, "so, we will show you two images and you will pick which one you would rather, okay?"

"I would rather, what?" I asked, playing dumb like everyone else I had seen that had played the game.

"Have some pudding, darling, of course!" Tom said beside me and I laughed with everyone else in the studio.

"Okay, okay, I'm ready"

The monitor in front of us showed two pictures: on the left there was Sebastian Stan and on the right there was Benedict Cumberbatch, "so, Sebastian or Benedict?" Asked Ellen, smiling.

"But Ben is married!" I said.

"It's just pretend Y/N, play the game!" Said Ellen, acting like she was exasperated.

"Okay, okay, just because Ben is married I'll pick Sebastian" I said, pretending to be resigned.

"So, you don't like brits, Y/N?" Asked Ellen while the monitor showed a picture of a shirtless Zac Efron were once was a smiling Benedict. I shook my head laughing and glancing at Tom, who was touching his lips trying to suppress a smile. "Sebastian Stan or Zac Efron?"

"Zac Efron," I said in a heartbeat.

"That was quick," Tom said and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, Zac Efron is everyone's crush since High School Musical and did you see him in The Greatest Show?" I fanned myself with my hand and smiled at Tom, I knew he saw that movie, we watched it together and he already knew what I thought of Zac.

"Hmm, yeah, I think you're right." The audience roared at Tom's words and Ellen and I laughed.

"Zac Efron or Harry Styles?"

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