For You, I would.(LOKI)

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"Loki... Loki," a gentle whisper of a woman's voice called.

"Wake up," it said.

As Loki drifted through space that voice ghosted throughout his unconscious mind. Was he dead or did he make it to the afterlife? Loki didn't know, he didn't even know what he was at this point.

Cracking his eyes open, Loki looked into the abyss of space to which he had fallen into. Ah yes, drifting through space after letting go of the spear that Thor had been holding on to. But who was calling to him?

"Loki you need to wake up," the voice said getting as it grew stronger and with more force.

Looking around desperately Loki looked at his surroundings in utter confusion,

"I am awake... am I not?" questioned Loki to the silent space.

"Loki WAKE UP!" the voice yelled as a pounding of blood in his ears became deafening.

Jerking awake Loki bolted upward in his bed. An incessant pounding came from his locked door shaking at the hinges.

"Loki we're leaving in ten minutes!" bellowed Thor as he pounded on the door.

"I'm coming you stupid oaf!" growled Loki as he threw his legs over the side of the bed.

Running his hands through his hair, he let out a deep sigh as he transformed into his battle outfit. That dream had been so real, so familiar. And that voice, it called to him night after night. If only he knew why, it haunted his dreams and possessed his days.

Walking onto the quinjet and taking a seat, Loki picked up a hologram pad and brought up the mission information. There was a breach in the atmosphere and it seemed to be of alien descent.

Looking over to the cockpit Loki's eyes drifted over to Nat and the Captain. He must of said something humorous because the red-headed assassin giggled quietly as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Rolling his eyes Loki turned his gaze back to the footage taken of the wrecked spacecraft. There was nothing familiar about its design or markings at all and he wondered where it could be from. As the jet descended Loki stood to his feet and conjured his helmet in a shimmer of gold.

As the team approached the spacecraft cautiously a streams of smoke shot out from the outside vents causing a few to jump at the sudden movement. The door was still sealed tight and with a glance from Tony, Thor ripped open the door and jumped through the hole.

The team went in separate directions looking for any signs of life or struggles. It wasn't a large ship by any means but it was large enough for someone or something to avoid being seen on the inside.

Dropping himself down a man-sized hatch Loki lowered himself to the metallic grated floor below. It was considerably dark, with an outstretched palm Loki held a ball of light to guide his way.

In a sweeping motion Loki searched for the pilot of the ship, a sound of flapping material made Loki look to his left, and then to the right. Straightening his head to look forward again, Loki's heart stopped when he saw a figure before him. It was a woman whose face looked as if she had been through the nasty process of torture.

When he blinked she was gone, quickly turning around he discovered she was behind him but this time her face seemed to be without the signs of hurt. To his surprise as he looked closer at the woman he realized she was wearing the exact same outfit as he was only formed for a woman's figure, helmet and everything.

"Loki Odinson?" asked the mysterious "woman" darkly.

"Yes... that would be me," said Loki slowly.

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